2025 Literary Contest - Journey Into Hope
The Houston Writers Guild (HWG) and WiVLA are co-sponsoring “Journey into Hope,” a literary competition. Results of the competition will be announced during the Authorpalooza Extravaganza Conference in October 2025.
Embark on a journey into art as the selected authors invite us into their worlds and give us their unique takes on how time can change everything. Tasked with writing a short story in any genre that incorporates the theme of hope in some way, our authors will present to you this collection spanning from gritty noir to heartfelt tales of love and loss.
The Houston Writers Guild and Women in the Visual and Literary Arts will present Journey Into Hope, a carefully curated anthology filled with humor, heart, drama, and, of course, a love for the arts in October 2025.
Houston Writers Guild and WiVLA will host the "Journey Into Hope" book launch party at Brazos Bookstore in October 2025. Details to follow.