WiVLA’s 30th Anniversary Celebration
In 2024, Women in the Visual and Literary Arts (WiVLA) celebrated its 30th anniversary as a Houston-based arts organization for women. Founded in 1994 by three women who wanted information, connections, and advice for their creative lives, WiVLA membership has grown to more than 100 women in the Greater Houston area and beyond.
WiVLA, drawing from all creative disciplines, has become a hub of inspiration and learning. It’s where imaginative women connect, find diverse opportunities to express their creativity and learn from one another in workshops, monthly meetings, exhibitions, and literary readings. This connection between the art areas has led to one of WiVLA’s hallmark events – biennial collaborative exhibitions, where a visual or performance artist collaborates with a literary artist to produce new work based on a chosen theme. Each April, WiVLA awards $1,000 grants to two women to use in any way that furthers their creative journey. To date, WiVLA has awarded $52,000 to 52 women.
WiVLA members and sponsors celebrated our Pearl anniversary on October 24, 2024, at the Cloister Gallery at Christ Church Cathedral in Downtown Houston.
Event Sponsors
WiVLA thanks the following sponsors for supporting a successful and memorable celebration.
Oyster Sponsorship Level
Melissa Chambers
Kay McStay
Anonymous donor
Pearl Earring Sponsorship Level
Sally Worthington