2024 Literary Contest

The Houston Writers Guild and Women in the Visual and Literary Arts present Journey Into Time, a carefully curated anthology filled with humor, heart, drama, and a look at time.

Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton led the event in a group poetry-writing exercise.

Watch the video to view the awards presentations and selected readings from the following authors:

Tim Sojka, Tassie Kalas, Lynn Long, Catherine Gentry, and Gunnar Birgisson.

YouTube Video

Journey into Time (Journey Anthologies)
By Gentry, Catherine, Beguine, Joy, Sojka, Timothy Gene, Bergan, Gail, Whatif, Cyndi, Kalas, Tassie, Brady, Fern, Long, Lynn, Sokulski, K.M., Tinker, Theodore Niretac
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Order a copy of Journey Into Time and embark on a journey into time as the talented authors invite us into their worlds and give us their unique takes on how a piece of art can change everything. Tasked with writing a short story in any genre incorporating a work of time in some way, our authors present this collection spanning from gritty noir to heartfelt tales of love and loss.


30th Anniversary Celebration


2024 Collaboration : Entangled