Pearls of Brooke Summers-Perry

I found out about WIVLA from my dear friend Anita Long. She and I have collaborated since 2008. Among other visions and missions, we served on the board of Compassionate Houston. She and I share mission and purpose around creativity, youth empowerment, and, of course, compassion. After recording a segment on a WIVLA collaboration and reading for Compassionate Houston, she sent me a message to see if I was familiar with WIVLA. She knew the mission would light me up. I was too busy to join a group at that time.

Like many of us, it took another connection to get my attention. While teaching art at Field Elementary, I was approached by Patricia Flaherty Pagan, a student’s mom. As part of WIVLA, she was working on an exhibit for the entryway at the school. She nudged me with a, “It would be great to include the art teacher’s work in the show.” I was thrilled for the students and families to have the beautiful show just inside the front door. I joined WIVLA and jumped right in. The more I have gotten involved with WIVLA, the more I realize how much I need it. I am fed by the connections, the renewed commitment it gives me to my work, and the inspiration I get from knowing and loving incredible women and their work!

Brooke Summers-Perry, 2024 President of WiVLA