Pearls of Lane Devereux

When I joined WiVLA about 25 years ago, I had been very ill for a decade. Medically disabled, I lost the career that I loved and became a shut-in. Those were lonely, difficult years for me. When I was finally able to reconnect with the world and find a new place for myself, I started with WiVLA. I had heard from several people that WiVLA was open and encouraging, and I desperately needed that.

When I joined, I had no sense of myself as an artist, only as a writer, but being exposed to the creativity at WiVLA gave me the push that helped me develop that side of my talents, too. I also had the good fortune to win an ECO award, which allowed me to hire a developmental editor, an important step forward for my writing. WiVLA truly lived up to its mission statement for me.

Lane Devereux, long-time member