Pearls of Melody Locke

In November 2016, a friend introduced me to one of her friends who belonged to an artist group. When I expressed an interest in joining that group, I was summarily rejected without even seeing my work. She rattled off the names of other groups I could try. The only name that I could remember was wivla. I googled the organization and learned they would meet again later in the month. When I attended that meeting, I tentatively asked Jane Mulholland if a photographer like me could join WiVLA. I was hooked by her warm response and the quality of the presentation. By the time I retired from BMC Software in 2018, I was ending my first year as treasurer. 

I can name certain times in my life when people and events have changed the trajectory of my life. Joining WiVLA introduced me to the Houston art scene, some very talented artists and writers, and speakers who inspired me and gave me the confidence to open my studio in 2019. 

Who knew a closed door could open a treasure trove of life experiences and friendships?  

Melody Locke, current board member and former president