July 2019


June 2019

            June 18th Meeting Presentation:
                                              Physician Crafters

 Doctors by day, crafters by night, Mollie Gordon, Marlene Morales Tollett and Sumreen Vaid-Pinyard are three local physicians who’ve found a haven and creative outlet in art. The three are part of nationwide Facebook group with thousands of members, Physician Mom Crafters. Many say art has also helped their medical practice.  We will hear from:
   Dr. Mollie Gordon is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and the Medical Director of the Anti-Human Trafficking Program at BCM. She has numerous research publications and is passionate about the intersection between human trafficking and mental health. She is a founding member of the Houston Health Care Consortium on Human Trafficking and the Southern Co-Chair for AMWA-PATH. She recently founded the division of Global Mental Health at BCM. She prefers paper crafts and building installations for step and repeats. She donates her crafts to Dec My Room, a non-profit that decorates rooms for children receiving inpatient care.
   Dr. Marlene Morales Tollett is a board-certified diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology who specializes in comprehensive ophthalmology and oculoplastic surgery. She rediscovered painting after her medical training, and says she finds it to be an incredible escape. She creates monochromatic watercolor portraits and also enjoys embroidery. Because of her art, she is a happier mom, wife, physician, friend and daughter, she says. In 2018, she drew the speaker portraits for the TEDMED conference.
   Dr. Sumreen Vaid-Pinyard is an assistant professor in Anesthesiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center. She is a single mom of two children who she says inspire many of the day-to-day crafting she does. She’s up for trying any technique, and in the past few years has enjoyed watercolors, combining various media with resin, and marbling paints. Art is a time she can be quiet and in the moment.  
   Join us at the monthly meeting on Tuesday, June18th to hear their fascinating presentation.  
Tuesday,  June 18,  ARCHWAY GALLERY
2305 Dunlavy, Houston TX 77006
5:45 - 6:15:  Mix/Mingle with light refreshments
6:15 - 6:30:  Short business meeting
6:30 - 7:30:  Program with Q & A 
7:30 - Restore Archway Gallery’s chairs and food bar to their rightful order and then, optionally, dinner at Paulie’s (dutch treat at 1834 Westheimer).
Please forward WiVLA Voices to all your friends who might be interested in WiVLA. BRING A FRIEND TO OUR NEXT MEETING!

President's Message: Fund-amentally
   By now you’ve probably heard that MacKenzie Bezos has pledged to give away half her fortune to charity. Anyone have her phone number?  WiVLA could put some of that $36 billion to good use for our members!
   Not that we haven’t done pretty well over the last 25 years. I’m always proud to point out that WiVLA has given $42,000 to individual artists and writers in honor of 20 years of ECO Fund Grants.
   Think also of the countless creatives and art professionals we have paid honoraria to in exchange for their inspiring presentations at our monthly meetings. Add in the scholastic scholarships we’ve awarded and you have quite a sum of  giving and supporting the arts in all its iterations.
   As a WiVLA member, I never thought about the source of this money except maybe thinking of membership dues. Once I was fortunate enough to join the Board, I began to see just how much we were doing with how little.
   WiVLA currently has no corporate sponsors, active grants, or wealthy, generous benefactors. Just us! the members!
   So, as we celebrate our 25th year, let’s think how we can get more to do more for our creative community going forward. Three ways to get started are:
  1. Membership! Renew if you have not, and please don’t be shy about inviting friends to our monthly meetings. This is the most organic way to increase our reach. We all know artistic women who don’t think they are ‘professional’ or ‘good enough’ for WiVLA. What?! We welcome all creative women!
  2. Easy passive giving by shopping. Be sure to add WiVLA’s Amazon Smile to your online amazon.com account. At Randall’s, stop by the courtesy booth and have them link your Randall’s card to WiVLA’s number. When we host a Cultured Cocktails event through FreshArts at Boheme Cafe or other happy-hour fundraiser, come join the fun!
  3. Seek out big money. Does anyone work for a company that has matching gift program or that can sponsor a WiVLA event by donating money or goods-in-kind? How about women-owned businesses that would like to partner with us? Our treasurer is ready to send you, and anyone who gives, a form for your tax-deductible donation!
   WiVLA has so many ideas for the next 25 years! We can ensure our place in Houston’s artistic community by thinking now how we can further finance our dreams. I welcome your ideas and comments. And MacKenzie’s cell number if you’ve got it!
   Lee Steiner
  Thursday, June 13th ~ Celebrate with us!
  Opening Reception for WiVLA's exhibition
  Midsummer Light at the Cloisters Gallery 

Visual co-chairs, Gretchen McDaniel and Maggie Baldwin, are pleased to announce the exhibition's opening. The show will be open from June 10 through July 19, 2019. There will be an opening reception on Thursday, June 13 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Cloisters Gallery at 1117 Texas Avenue in downtown Houston. We invite you to attend and enjoy refreshments and the fabulous art on the Midsummer Light theme. The exhibition juror Valentina Atkinson, artist and gallery owner and artistic director, will make remarks. Questions may be directed to Gretchen and Maggie at visual@wivla.org. 
Lee Steiner, Sue Payne, and Sally Worthington, May 21.
Sue Payne: The Orange Show and How I Got There
   Sue Payne, retired from Exxon Mobil Corporation and now president of the board of the Orange Show Center for Visionary Art, captivated her audience with a life story that included geophysics, a successful 37-year career in oil and gas exploration, and a love and abiding interest in art and art collecting. From her first purchases of copper etchings and original Nigerian masks, Sue bought and continues to buy, "...what speaks to me." She has had a passion for collecting art and interacting with the artists to answer the ever-present questions of, "How did you do this? Why did you do this art? How did you put it together?" 
   With ebullient enthusiasm and funny personal stories, Sue spoke about her journey becoming a collector but more importantly becoming even more appreciative of the artistic world and what it brings to a life, a neighborhood, a city. She wove her work with the Orange Show seamlessly into her talk emphasizing the importance of fringe art, prison art, and folk art and the impact of art locations such as the Beer Can House, Smither Park, and the Art Car Parade. Sue showed composite slides of several art locations and parks around Houston and spoke passionately about her love of visionary art and the need to preserve and promote these places and events.
   The audience of more than 30 artists and friends enjoyed the journey and the challenges that Sue presented in her wise and lively talk. A large group went to Paulie's for dinner and the discussion continued there. 
   Many, many thanks to Sue Payne for highlighting the status of visionary art in Houston and bringing her enthusiasm to our monthly meeting.

If you shop at Randall's, tie your account to WiVLA (#5341).  You can do this at the customer service counter once, and from then on, WiVLA will benefit every time you shop!

If you shop through AMAZON, your shopping makes a difference. Do your regular Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/76-0464450 and Amazon donates to Women in the Visual and Literary Arts. Amazon Smile provides your favorite nonprofit with a percentage of the purchase each time you go through Amazon Smile to get to Amazon.com. 
  • FRESH ARTS SUMMIT: Gain a fresh perspective on the business of art. Registration is now open for the Fresh Arts Summit, July 19-20 at Silver Street Studios in the heart of Arts District Houston.  The Fresh Arts Summit is a 2-day conference offering 20+ skill-building workshops, expert lectures, artist panels + round table discussions, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. The Summit is ideal for emerging to established artists, makers, and creatives of all disciplines who seek to advance their entrepreneurial skills, expand the peer network, and tap into local resources. Topics will include goal setting, social media and marketing strategies, fundraising and financial management, legal resources, and other topics related to arts entrepreneurship. Sessions will be led by over two dozen organizational partners and field experts including practicing artists and other creative leaders working in the arts community. For more details on the Summit and on scholarships, please see http://www.fresharts.org
  • Google Photos and Facebook items by Regina Vitolo Mader. Regina encourages everyone to share their WiVLA photos to a Google album. Click here to read her request and see more details. Regina says: "Hi, everyone, this is a link to WIVLA'S GOOGLE PHOTOS ALBUM. Please feel free to to upload any of your own WiVLA photos, or email them to me at clockbirdstar@gmail.com." Use this link to the album itself. And, finally, use this one for a how-to tutorial on Facebook. 
  • Repeated notices below:
  • Connected to local authors? Have ideas for literary programs? We're looking for a literary co-chair to help plan our literary events this year! As co-chair, you'd partner with current chair Debbie Blumberg to brainstorm and help execute our writerly events. Joining the WIVLA board is a great way to give back, make new friends and connections and get inspired! Interested? Email Debbie at literary@wivla.org or info@wivla.org. Thank you!
  • Special Request: A WiVLA member in the South Post Oak/Bellaire area needs transportation to our meetings. If you can help, please email info@wivla.org. 
  • Member June Russell sends a link to all members about Artist's Statements. Please see the helpful and concise article at www.photoplacegallery.com
Please send in your news by the 25th of each month - art exhibits, literary works, news, etc. -  for inclusion in the following month’s news to newsletter@wivla.org.
  • Member Kathy Wood, who is the artistic director of the dance company Fly Dance Company - The Gentlemen of Hip Hop, writes to tell us that the troupe will be perform at Miller Outdoor Theater on July 5 at 8:30 p.m. Visit  https://www.flydancecompany.com/home   
  • Check out the WiVLA Facebook page. Members are sharing photos, news, workshops, information regularly in Facebook posts. 
  • Writers' Retreat at the Eleanor K. Freed Montrose Library. Join Margo S. Toombs and Sharman Speed for a free event on Saturday, June 15 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The library is located at 4100 Montrose, Houston TX 77006.
  • Lots of news from Jane Chance was the featured poet at First Friday Poetry Reading and Open Mic at 1520 West Main on May 3. She will be a featured poet at Gulf Coast Poets Reading and Open Mic, Barnes and Noble Bookstore, Clear Lake, Saturday, June 8 from 10:30 am -12:30 pm, usually a lunch meetup follows. Anyone who might like to go to this reading/open mic, I can give you a ride—I’m going on June 8! Also, nine of Jane's poems will be included in a second anthology of medievalist poems, Hail, Radiant Star: Nine Medievalist Poems, ed. Jane Beal, likely published in 2020. Jane organized and read at a craft panel on ”Original Medievalist Poetry” at the annual Western Michigan University Congress on Medieval Studies, May 10, 2019. She will be a speaker at the Tolkien 2019 (Tolkien Society Conference) at Birmingham, UK, August 9, 2019, the title of which is “Grendel’s Mother and Tolkien’s Women.”
  • WiVLA members staffed a table at this year's Boldface Conference: A Conference for Emerging Writers at the M. D. Anderson Library, University of Houston. Lee Steiner, Kay McStay, Zita Giraldo, Jane Chance, and Gretchen McDaniel greeted conference goers, presenters, students, and staff throughout the day on Friday, May 24th and distributed WiVLA promotional materials, notices of upcoming events, and chocolates. There was happy excitement among the conference attendees and presenters, and we were proud to represent WiVLA's 25 year history to all who stopped by our table.  www.boldfaceconference.com. Keep on writing!
  • Rona Lesser is attending the board meeting for the Women's Caucus for Art (WCA) in Boulder CO. Rona serves as Regional Chair - Southwest. She will have art in the Galveston Art Walk on Saturday, June 8 at the Affaire d'Art Gallery, Galveston TX.
  • Marie Casamayor-Harvey and Gretchen McDaniel invite you attend the Grand Opening of their new studio at Winter Street Studios. In conjunction with Second Saturday Open Studios, they will be celebrating on Saturday, June 8 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm at 2101 Winter Street, Studio 19B upstairs, Houston TX 77007. Refreshing hors d'oeuvres and wine served.
  • A Commonplace Book Workshop will be given by member Leigh Owen on June 9, 10 am - 12 pm. I'm excited to be instructing this workshop for Noteda delightful paper goods shop in the Heights. I hope you will consider enjoying and learning with me. Please register right away, as seating is limited to 10-12 people. Commonplace Book Workshop at Noted Paper Goods, 1901 Lawrence Street at 19th Street in the heart of the Houston Heights. Register: $25, click: https://noteddesignco.com/collections/workshops/products/common-place-book-workshop This hands-on workshop will guide you in putting your ideas, notes, and favorite quotes to work for you as you organize, plan, and play with a commonplace book. Please direct any questions to Allison@NotedDesignCo.com
  • Kaye Brand writes: "As a West Australia Poet I am often published through West Australian Poets in their electronic publishing arm know as Creatrix. Although I am a member of WiVLA I live in Australia. I so enjoyed your meetings when I lived in Houston for a year three years ago that I have maintained my membership and enjoy reading of all of your wonderful activities. As my surname starts with B my two poems are first on the list." Just click on the link below to find Kaye's name alphabetically and to read her poems ‘Mateus Rose’ and ‘Say Hello to Yourself’.  wapoets.com/creatrix-2/2019-2/creatrix-44-poetry/       Email: kbrand@bigpond.net.au
  • Editor’s Note: We know a lot of you are showing your work and getting published, so we ask you to send the information to newsletter@WiVLA.org by the 25th of each month. We want to support you. Thank you!


~ ClayHouston  Of special note this month is the continuing event   Multiplicity Show at the Silos at Sawyer Yards, 1502 Sawyer, Houston TX 77007. The show continues until June 29th.  Please check out the website for all the events and activities.  https://www.clayhouston.org/   and www.houstonheights.org for information on the exhibit along Heights Boulevard.

~ Literary readings are held on the third Thursday of the month at Archway Gallery. Gather from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. with light refreshments. An eclectic group of writers share 3-5 minutes of their most recent works. Come and hear or join the inspiring readings!

PrintMatters, a local group that promotes traditional and non-traditional print-making and print collecting, is focused on PrintHouston 2019. This is a two-month long exhibit that features galleries, museums, and alternative spaces highlighting original prints along with lectures, events, and demonstrations. Please check out the website at www.printmattershouston.org for full details and to meet Houston's print makers.

Houston Metal Arts Guild has a great website at www.new.hmag.org that displays the group's activities, member info, upcoming events, and more. Of particular note is workshop and grant information. Please check out the guild at the link and learn more about the members and activities.

~ Double WOW! Visual Arts Alliance The Visual Arts Alliance (VAA) website is a great resource for all news and events scheduled by the organization. Click http://visualartsalliance.org/   VAA's site contains great information with upcoming events along with their usual events such as 3rd Monday Critique Groups, etc. See the link.

~ WOW! Lots of good information, call for submissions, and events are available -- Check out Gulf Coast - A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts very excellent website for news of current issue and events. The link for Gulf Coast is here. (www.gulfcoastmag.org) 

The Glassell School of Art For more information on schedule, contact glassell@mfah.org or 713.639.7500.

Houston Writers Guild (HWG). The Guild has a great website at www.houstonwritersguild.org.  that gives the schedule of activities and classes.

~ Public Poetry has a great deal of information on its website this month including  Public Poetry monthly events and call for submissions and contests. Be sure and see the local poetry reading schedule at local libraries and the contest winners for the recent literary topic of ENOUGH. Click the link for PP's great colorful and informative web page.   http://www.publicpoetry.net   
~ Have you heard that there is music at Archway Gallery too? The gallery has a great website: Click here to go to the website. Monthly exhibits and special events including the popular Figure Drawing Sessions, Latenight Pie, Wine and Art Dinners and great monthly exhibits. 

~Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts (TALA) has a good website at www.talarts.org and it lists the events and workshops that they sponsor. 
Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts was formed in 1979 to meet the legal and accounting needs of artists and art nonprofit organizations across the State of Texas. TALA volunteers throughout Texas handle more than 250 matters per year. In 2016, TALA began serving inventors in the Patent Pro Bono Program. Click here for the website.

~ Houston Art Alliance site http://houstonartsalliance.com/

~ Wordsmyth Theater at www.wordsmyththeater.org is a "Houston-based playwright’s theater dedicated to the development of new theatrical works from formative stages through full production." Find them at the link above.

~ Brazos Bookstore has a great website that highlights its many literary events. http://www.brazosbookstore.com
Inprint opens its doors at 1520 West Main on the first Friday of every month from 9 am to 12 noon for a writing cafe. Any and all writers looking for a pleasant morning space in which to write are welcome. For information, click here.  Also, the First Friday Poetry Reading is held at the Inprint home at 8:30 pm.  

Literary Events -- Call for Entries
Inclusion in this list does not indicate endorsement by WiVLA. We recommend you research each contest and opportunity and contact the sponsor(s).

Introducing, a new online literary magazine, is open to short fiction submissions from writers whohave never been published or only self-published. http://www.introducingmag.com

Visual Events -- Call for Entries
Inclusion in this list does not indicate endorsement by WiVLA. We recommend you research each contest and opportunity and contact the sponsor(s).

FreshArts, of which we are members, has many opportunities for artists listed on their website here. Their motto is "Where Art Meets Opportunity" -- a cousin or sibling of WiVLA's  mission.
The editor says, "Thank you to pixabay for free art and to Jean Louis Tosque on pixabay for the cloud image." 


  Upcoming Events

   Opening Reception
   Midsummer Light 
Thursday, June 13th
   5:30 to 7:30 pm
   The Cloisters Gallery
   Christ Church Cathedral
   1117 Texas Avenue
   Houston TX 77002
   WiVLA Monthly Meeting
    Physician Crafters
    Tuesday, June 18, 2019
    Gather: 5:45 pm
    Archway Gallery
    2305 Dunlavy
    Houston TX 77006

   WiVLA Monthly Meeting
   Sandy Lawrence -- Perceptive PR
   Tuesday, July 16, 2019
   Archway Gallery

   Look! This is the
   WiVLA Twitter handle:


   Look! This is the
   WiVLA Instagram handle:


About Women in the Visual and Literary Arts
The mission of WiVLA is to provide an inspiring forum for women to explore and advance their creative development, to promote their work in the marketplace, and to infuse the community with their spirit of cooperation and invention.

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WiVLA 2019 Board of Directors
President - Lee Steiner   

Vice President - Kay McStay

Secretary - Ann Boutte

Treasurer - Melody Locke     
Membership - Susan Salter
and Judy Shamp

Communications -  Janet Reynolds

Social Media - open
Programs - open

Newsletter - Kay McStay          
temporary assignment;
position is open

Visual Arts - Maggie Baldwin
and Gretchen McDaniel

Literary Arts - Debbie Blumberg
co-chair position is open         

At-Large - Sally Worthington

At-Large - Nathalie Tardif

Historian - Regina Vitolo Mader

Past President - Cori Austin

Our mailing address is:
Women in the Visual and Literary Arts (WiVLA)
P. O. Box 130406
Houston, TX  77219-0406


Quick Links...


WiVLA Facebook Member Group
(WiVLA members only)

If you are not yet a member, ask to join.

WiVLA Twitter handle:

WiVLA Instagram:

The Printing Museum

Public Poetry

Visual Arts Alliance

Clay Houston

Houston Metal Arts


Houston Writers Guild

WriteSpace Houston

Glasstire Texas:  Visual Art News and Reviews

Fresh Arts Coalition Houston

Lawndale Art Center


Gulf Coast Poets

Inprint Houston

Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts

Houston Press

Paper City Magazine

Arts Hound

Houston Culture Map

Copyright © 2019 Women in the Literary and Visual Arts. All rights reserved.


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August 2019


June 2019