March 2025

WiVLA 2025 March Newsletter
Inspire. Promote. Collaborate.                      February (heart's desire) 2025                                  

* Some e-mail users might need to click "view entire message" at the bottom of the Newsletter to enjoy the entire Newsletter. *
Photography by Denise Bossarte. Animation by Margo Stutts Toombs.
Article header: (text on image) President's Message
The President's Message:

From the first settlers who came to our shores, from the first American Indian families who befriended them, men and women have worked together to build this nation. Too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. But the achievements, leadership, courage, strength and love of the women who built America were as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.”

-President Jimmy Carter’s Message to the nation designating March 2-8, 1980 as National Women’s History Week.

By 1986, 14 states had declared March Women’s History Month. In 1987, those actions at the state level led to Congress to declare the month of March as Women’s History Month in perpetuity. Every year, a presidential proclamation is issued to honor the significant achievements of American women. 

When we consider the WiVLA’s mission statement on International Women's Day on March 8 and throughout Women's History Month in March...

WiVLA's mission is to provide an inspiring forum for women to explore and advance their creative development, to promote their work in the marketplace, and to infuse the community with their spirit of cooperation and invention is clear to me that the focus and responsibility of keeping women’s stories, artistry, and vast contributions to our past, present, and future falls squarely on our shoulders. We have been and continue to do the work of lifting our own and each other’s journeys as well as our voices.

May you connect deeply to the women that came before us who have fueled your progress. May your work sustain you and those who follow your steps. May you thrive in our community where we continue to inspire and be inspired by remarkable women!

 ~ Brooke Summers-Perry 
This edition of the newsletter contains:
Journey into Hope
Short Story Contest
Theme: Journey into Hope.
Entry Deadline: 4/30/2025
Entry Fee: $30 members, $40 non-members/submission. Authors can submit up to 3 stories.
Length: 5,000 words max
Published : October 3, 2025
Send your submissions as 2 Word Documents to
Winners will be published in an anthology available through Amazon.
WiVLA Exhibit "Rise" Open for Submissions
Art by Shirley Beyer
 "Rise" refers to moving upward, increasing height, level, or quantity, or becoming more prominent or successful. It is used in various contexts, from physical movement to abstract concepts like growth, improvement, or awakening. It’s a versatile term that conveys movement, development, and progress across physical, emotional, and metaphorical dimensions. Common synonyms include ascend, climb, increase, advance, grow, emerge, and rebel.

Show us how your interpretation of rise ignites your creative energy into new dimensions of existence.

Theme: "Rise" 
Entry Deadline: June 15, 2025 
Entry Fee: $50 for up to 4 entries; $5 for each additional entry up to 10. Members of WiVLA enjoy a discounted entry fee of $35 for the first four entries; $4 for each additional entry up to 10. Members must log in to the WiVLA website and then go to the Member's Only page to get the discount code.
Requirements: Eligible works include photography, watercolor, oil painting, acrylic painting, pastels, drawing, collage, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, glass, and any other 2D or 3D work representing or reflecting the theme “Rise.” Video and AI works are not eligible. 
Please follow the instructions on the Rise exhibition page!
Location: Sabine Street Studios in the North Yard of Sawyer Yards.
Show Dates: July 17,2025 - Aug 31, 2025
Click here to Submit
WiVLA's Poetry By The Bay
Poets, mark your calendars and get your poetry ready for WiVLA’s annual Poetry By The Bay event!

Sign up to read and celebrate National Poetry Month with your fellow WiVLA members. Non-readers can join us to enjoy the poetry and support your WIVLA sisters.

Date: Saturday, April 12th
Location: La Porte Library 
600 South Broadway 
La Porte, TX 77571 
Poets, mark your calendars and get your poetry ready for WiVLA’s annual Poetry By The Bay event!

Sign up to read and celebrate National Poetry Month with your fellow WiVLA members. Non-readers can join us to enjoy the poetry and support your WiVLA sisters.

Date: Saturday, April 12th
Location: La Porte Library 
600 South Broadway 
La Porte, TX 77571 
Sign up to Read

Subscribe to the WiVLA YouTube Channel for recordings of member meetings and other exciting events!
Click to Subscribe

Susan Salter, Shirley Beyer, & Brenda Bowman

Journeys of Three at the Fort Bend Museum in Richmond, TX
Meet the Artist reception March 11th @5:30pm
Gwendolyn Womack
Gwen will be in conversations with Ava Morgyn about their books
at Murder By The Book March 18th at 6:30pm.
Gwendolyn Womack is the USA Today and Los Angeles Times bestselling author of The Fortune Teller, The Time Collector, and The Memory Painter. Her romantic thrillers have been called "a blast of a read" and "pure story adrenaline." The Premonitions Club is her YA debut.
Find her books on Amazon.
Cassandra Bohne-Linnard
Artist Reception for The Wings of Beauty exhibit at
Silver Street Studios West Gallery Sat March 8 from 5:30 - 7:30pm
Feltmaking Class
with Gika Rector
at WriteSpace @ Sabine Stree Studios

About the instructor: Gika Rector has been a fiber artist for more than 20 years. She combines creativity her education in psychology and her role as a personal coach and Feldenkrais practitioner to facilitate transformation in individuals and organizations.

Visit her website to see more of her work.

Registration is open! Limited to 11 participants!
Date: Sunday April 13, 1-4pm.
Cost: $40 for non-members or $35 for WIVLA Members 

Click here to register

Educational and Cultural Opportunity Grant

ECO Fund Grant

Each year, WiVLA awards two $1,000 grants--one to a writer and one to an artist. These grants afford our members professional and educational development opportunities. At this year's April meeting, you'll hear how Jean King (Visual Art) and Mildred Mills (Literary Art), last year's recipients, used their grants. After their presentations, they'll draw the names of this year's lucky recipients.
To be eligible for this unique opportunity:
  • You must be a member in good standing for the past two calendar years (2023 & 2024). To verify your eligibility, contact our membership chair at 
  • You must be a member in good standing by April 1, 2025. Do you need to renew? If so, access your profile on our website. 
  • You cannot have received an ECO Grant. Prior recipients are not eligible. 
  • You must complete your application by Friday, April 4th. You can access the application from the ECO page on our website or from this link.
For further details about the ECO Fund Grant opportunity please see the WiVLA website. Application forms are available now.
Since the beginning of the ECO Fund Grant awards, WiVLA has given $50,000 to our members. Perhaps this could be your year!

Past year's winners have used the monies to create and screen video productions, take classes and workshops, and even a trip to Ireland to work with expert artists!
Submit your name for the ECO Fund Grant

November Readings Theme Set!

For our literary artists, time to start preparing for the November Readings meeting!
The theme has been set to "Resilience".
Share your experiences and interpretations of resilience for a 5-minute reading. 
More information on the even to come later in the year.
Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay
Writing Critique Groups
  • Houston Writers Guild Critique Groups - in person and virtual
  • WRITESPACE Write Practice subscriptions - virtual only
  • HerStry Critique Groups - Virtual, 2 sessions starting in March and April with more throughout the year.
Member Meeting
Section Header: Member Meeting
March Member Meeting
Elizabeth Farfan-Santos

She will share her experience on transitioning from published author to owner and operator of the Dreamers Bookstore,
 a curated bookstore in Houston specializing in Latiné & Latin American books, authors, & culture.
Check out the WiVLA Calendar for details and updates.
Tuesday, March 18th
6:00-8:00 PM
Meeting Highlight
Section Header: Meeting Highlight
Felden-what? Feldenkrais—rhymes with paradise. Moshe Feldenkrais developed a surprising approach to helping us move better. Following simple, gentle movements, we find easier, more flexible ways to move our bodies. And that means we can do more of the things we want to do, with greater ease and grace—including our artwork.

For more than thirty years, Gika Rector has been a fiber artist. She combines creativity, a psychology education, and her role as a personal coach to facilitate transformation in individuals and organizations. Once described as “the quietest storm that ever blew through town,” Gika is passionate about inviting people to come out and play—to be who they were meant to be and do what they were meant to do. Imagine what the world would be like if we followed our best and brightest ideas and intuitions!
While watching the recording of our meeting on YouTube, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Member Highlight
Pam Soileau

For almost 50 years, I have been dabbling in, slinging and flinging paint.

Over the years, I moved from charcoal to pastel, to watercolor, to acrylic, to collage, to acrylic with collage, to adding attachments. I moved from small to large sheets of watercolor paper, to canvas and cradled board. 

Without a formal “art education”, over those years, I have studied with, and gleaned techniques, and a willingness to experiment and fail, from many workshop leaders. I STOLE a bit of something from each of them, and then painted MY way.

In the beginning, I tried my best to paint Cajun cabins and flowers that looked like real flowers. I failed miserably. 

I love drawing and composition, and I have rolls and rolls of 22x30” drawings stacked on my studio shelves. 

I found my joy in painting once I let go of the drawings and the rules and took the leap into the unknown chasm of conflicting color, shapes, marks, and of not knowing what the end result would be.

The last few years, the titles of my paintings have  been the clue to where my creative wanderings were leading me.....

“Searching for Harmony”
“Exploring Red”
“Exploring Yellow”
“Exploring White”
“Finding a Path Through”
“Transcending the Golden Glow”
“Looking for Answers, Within”
“Searching for the Center”
“Pondering the Pond”
“Embrace the Inner Tangle”
“Letting Go of the Sweet Spot”..........

Searching, exploring, finding, transcending, looking, pondering, embracing, letting go....... as I moved from a set goal, before picking up the brush, to a mindset of allowing each layer of paint to lead me to the next layer, I found that I could, physically, breath deeper, slower, and more fully plunge into the painting....making it MINE, making it an extension of ME!

I try my best to listen to that niggling voice. I am determined to know the rules and be willing to break them, to embrace colors that are in conflict, to dive into a beautiful painting with marks and obliterate the beauty to allow “whatever” to emerge, to play, to explore. 

A recent move to Houston, Texas, has opened new creative doors. While embracing big city life, I am enjoying the many museums at my doorstep and have joined other artists in creative endeavors. The international based group of artists, Houston Art Tribe, the Watercolor Art Society-Houston (WAS-H) and the amazing women of WIVLA have been my introduction to a new world of creatives!

Facebook and Instagram

Who will WiVLA highlight next?
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay; Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Each month, a WiVLA member is highlighted in the Newsletter. This is a fun way for us to get to know each other.
Contact the Literary Art Chair or the Visual Art Chair, if you would like your time in the spotlight.
Literary Art Chair
Visual Art Chair
Member News

Susan Salter, Shirley Beyer, & Brenda Bowman
Journeys of Three

Pop-up Exhibition March 4 - May 17 at the Fort Bend Art Museum

at the Fort Bend Museum in Richmond, TX

Liz Plaster

Had two of her works accepted for the Women’s Caucus for Art, Texas Chapter’s Tribute to Water Exhibition at the Mexican Cultural Institute in San Antonio.
Liz's website
Denise Bossarte
Had Literary and Visual successes!
Had her poem "Scarab Envy" accepted for the "Identity" issue of Synkroniciti Magazine available March 5th.
Had her short story Dancing With the Stars published in the February issue of the MENSA BULLETIN magazine.
Denise also had her photograph Swimming Through Clouds accepted for the Women’s Caucus for Art, Texas Chapter’s Tribute to Water Exhibition at the Mexican Cultural Institute in San Antonio.
Denise's website
Cassandra Bohne-Linnard
The Wings of Beauty exhibit at Silver Street Studios West Gallery
Sat, Mar 1, 2025 - Sat, Mar 29, 2025  12pm - 5pm
Artist Reception Sat March 8 from 5:30 - 7:30pm
The butterfly is symbolic of hope, transformation, rebirth, and personal growth. These small wonders of nature are the inspiration for Cassandra’s art. Whether she is capturing the timeless beauty of real preserved butterflies in her unique one-of-a-kind timepieces or in her surreal paintings, each piece in this exhibition is in some way infused with the magic and spirituality of these exquisite but delicate creatures.

“I strive to preserve the beauty of this delicate species and, in a sense, resurrect it through my art. My goal is to invoke a sense of life, resurrection and timelessness to all those who experience my art."
Cassandra's website
Gwendolyn Womack
Gwen's book The Premonitions Club releasing April 22, 2025.
Gwen's website
Celeste Budwit-Hunterpoem, "So Many Celeste's poem "Jewels," has been accepted in the June issue
of Synkroniciti for the theme of "Recovery."
Celeste's website
Jamie Frontiera
Jamie had her piece the koi fish pond accepted for the Women’s Caucus for Art, Texas Chapter’s Tribute to Water Exhibition at the Mexican Cultural Institute in San Antonio.
Jamie on Instagram
Melody Locke
Melody had her digital print Stone's Throw accepted for the Women’s Caucus for Art, Texas Chapter’s Tribute to Water Exhibition at the Mexican Cultural Institute in San Antonio.
And her lumen print Midnight Oaks was juried into the Abstraction Exhibition at ARDEST GALLERY. Exhibit runs from March 5th - March 29th, with the opening reception Saturday, March 8th from 5-8 pm.
Melody's website
Iris Salmins
Iris has her work in the Expressions exhibit
at the Art Center of Corpus Christi.
Exhibit runs through March 5, 2025.
Iris's website
Margo Stutts Toombs
Two of Margo's video poems will screen at the
REELpoetry Houston TX Festival March 31-April 12.
She sends a special thank- you to Donna E Perkins, Mary Wemple, & Lewis Cooper for their photos and artwork and Andrea Schulman Cope & Harwood Taylor for video footage. And thanks Cait Weiss Orcutt for her feedback.
Margo's website
Gail Plunkett
Gail drawing in ink and markers, Big Blue River, was accepted for the Women’s Caucus for Art, Texas Chapter’s Tribute to Water Exhibition at the Mexican Cultural Institute in San Antonio.
Bridgette Mongeon
Bridgette's memoir, One Foot in Front of the Other: Art, Hiking, and Healing, is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.
And Texas Country Reporter featured her work and Houston Women's Hiking in a recent segment "A Walk on The Wild Side".

It is a raw piece, as is my memoir. I guess you could say the memoir is "the rest of the story" of that feature, diving deeper into the themes of resilience and personal growth.
Houston's Edible Book Festival
Feel part of a world-wide literary celebration!

Have you ever read War and Peeps? What about The Catsup in the Rye? Maybe Ann of Green Apples? Perhaps you’ve seen a cake that depicted the story of Peter Pan? Or Shel Silverstein-like illustrations from Where the Sidewalk Ends on a three-layer cake?

 Welcome to the world of Edible Books! This year, The Houston Book Arts Guild will be presenting a local celebration of all things both literary and culinary as we join book lovers around the world who are exercising their creative cooking muscles. 

When: Saturday, March 29, 2-4 pm
Where: Metropolitan Multi-Service Center – 1475 W. Gray St., Houston 77019
Who: Anyone who wants to be literarily food-focused and create an edible homage to a book.
1. Decide on a book title, characters, images. This can be a depiction of an image of the story or characters, or a play on words.
2. Email Lee Steiner ( with your name, title of entry, book title and author, and your email. Your entry can be an individual, family, or group project. Kids are welcome to enter their own creations as well.
3. Venmo Lee @domesticpapers the registration fee - $6.00 – this helps defray our printing, advertising and event costs.
Then What?  March 29, arrive at The Metropolitan Multi-Service Center before 1:30 to set up your entry. Each person will have about 4 feet of table space to show their creation and a copy of the book. We will make a title and name card for each entry. This party is a blast! Invite your friends to come too!
Prizes: Prizes!! Everyone who attends is able to vote for their favorites. Kids get to vote too! Prizes will be awarded in 5 different categories, so you have many chances to win – although participating is the real prize because it’s all so much fun!


Email your Entry information
Synkroniciti is Open
for Written and Visual Art Submissions
Synkroniciti is a quarterly online arts journal. They accept work in a variety of media across the visual, literary and performing arts spectrum. Issue twenty-three, "Identity," will be out March 5th and "Recovery" will debut this fall.

Submissions for their March 15th issue are now open. Contests will be held in poetry ($75), flash fiction ($75) and for the cover ($100). 
Theme: "Recovery"
Deadline: 4/15/2025
Fee: $3 per submission
Submissions should be emailed to
Want to know now what they look for in a submission? Check out this interview with editor Katherine McDaniel by Jim Harrington over at Six Questions For Katherine McDaniel, Founder/Editor, Synkroniciti Magazine

The Center for History and Culture of Southeast Texas and the Upper Gulf Coast invites applications for research and creative fellowships for the 2025-2026 academic year.    

The Center supports the production, curation, and transmission of knowledge about Southeast Texas and the greater Gulf Coast with a commitment to multicultural, interdisciplinary, collaborative, and community-focused projects. To achieve these goals, the Center supports the work of scholars, authors, artists, community leaders, and others who represent varied specializations and backgrounds.   

Our fellowship program supports projects that contribute to the broader understanding of our region. The Center encourages applications from any scholarly discipline or creative field. We are especially interested in work that consider our core geographic region or situates it within broader national, hemispheric, or global contexts. The Center funds projects in art, environment, history, journalism, literature, performance, social sciences, and other forms of scholarly inquiry or creative endeavor. If circumstances permit, the Center may request Fellows to present their results with the Lamar University and Southeast Texas communities. 

We request that Fellows acknowledge the support that they receive in future outcomes such as publications, film and audio productions, performance and exhibition literature, and other formats, citing “The Center for History and Culture of Southeast Texas and the Upper Gulf Coast at Lamar University.”     

Fellowships are open to scholars, creatives, advanced graduate students, and community leaders whose work contributes to the Center’s mission. Fellows may receive awards up to $5,000. Lamar University faculty may also be eligible for a one-semester 25% teaching load reduction. If warranted, Fellows may apply for an additional year. The Center encourages applications for lesser amounts and may offer partial funding upon the recommendation of the Fellowship Jury.   

Previous fellows have used our support for projects resulting in scholarly publications, short documentary films, oral histories, archival preservation, poetry anthologies, and music and theater performances. 

Send applications in PDF format as email attachment/s to the Center director Jimmy L. Bryan Jr (

Theme: see website
Entry Deadline: 3/15/2025
Entry Fee: none

Requirements: see website
Click Here to Email Application

For eighteen years, the Artist Studio Program (ASP) has provided artists with a monthly stipend and 24-hour access to a private studio. As a multidisciplinary platform, Lawndale supports creative individuals who engage with the space as their hub. Lawndale is not only a place for experimenting, making, and showing work but also a site for critical engagement and questions.

Program Description

Lawndale’s ASP awards individuals with dynamic support to evolve their creative practice. The nine-month program runs from September 1, 2025, to May 31, 2026. During this time, participants receive a monthly honorarium of $750, up to $2,000 direct support for project development and materials, and 24-hour access to a private studio. In addition to this material support, Lawndale will provide a public platform for their practice, varying from an exhibition to a program series, performance, or publication. Documentation for these program(s) will be shared digitally and through a publication with commissioned scholarly writing. Other benefits include studio visits and exchanges with peer institutions. Major support for The Artist Studio Program is provided by Kathrine G. McGovern/The John P. McGovern Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Theme: X
Deadline: 3/7/2025
Fee: none

Location: Lawndale Art Center 4912 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002 
Program Dates: September 1, 2025, to May 31, 2026

Click Here to Submit
An Exhibit in Three Parts 
Lakewood Cultural Arts Center


The verb suggests many possible visual and conceptual interpretations. The cognitive processes of sorting, separating, categorizing, shifting between diverse roles or tasks with efficiency and problem-solving to adjust to the situation are not exclusive to women. However, the often contradictory expectations faced by women serve as training for managing multiple human functions simultaneously, i.e., career, family, social, and personal needs. ​

WCACO invites women-identifying artists to submit to this exhibit. Artists do not need to be a member of WCACO.​

Compartmentalization is a skill to create mental and emotional boundaries between actions and feelings, thoughts and decisions, personal views, and societal pressures.

Mental and physical boundaries may be seen as sharing (compartir, Spanish), while separating, two opposing perspectives.​

This show explores how we arrange time, space, energy, pleasure, and pain. How do you express this tension/balance in a work of art?

Open to all women-identifying artists. Max. 3 entries in 2D, 3D or digital visual media.

Theme: Com-Part-Mental-Ize
Deadline: 3/2/2025
Fee: $40 for up to 3 entries

Location: The Lakewood Cultural Center in Lakewood, Colorado
Show Dates: May 30-August 16, 2025

Click Here to Submit
ClayHouston Award for Texas BIPOC Ceramic Artists

This award is dedicated to providing funding for ceramic artists in Texas who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color. ClayHouston has created this award as part of our ongoing efforts to cultivate greater diversity and access in the field of ceramics, with a focus on Texas artists.

ClayHouston will award two individual winners with $1,200 each. One winner will be chosen from each of the following two categories:

  • Emerging: Self-identifying as a student and/or early career. Must be 18 years or older. Formal training or academic background is not required.

  • Mid-Career and Beyond: Non-Emerging. Self-identifying as mid-career or established. Must be 18 years or older. Formal training or academic background is not required.

We’re honored to have Tammie Rubin serve as juror this year Tammie Rubin is a ceramic sculptor and installation artist whose practice considers the intrinsic power of objects by weaving together familial, historical, and literary narratives of Black American citizenry, migration, autonomy, and faith. Rubin has received residencies at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Penland School of Craft, and Pottery Northwest. She is the 2022 Tito’s Prize winner and a 2024 USA Fellow in Craft. 

Please visit our website for more information about this award, including the submission form. Please direct questions to

Eligibility: Applicants must be currently living in Texas and be 18 years or older. This award is open to functional and sculptural ceramic artists who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of  Color.
Deadline: 3/10/2025
Fee: none

Announcement of Awards: Late March 2025

Apply Here
It's LSAG Art League Spring show time!
Check out the list on the LSAG website.
Register for the shows on

Reading Period: March 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025.
Entry Fee: $18/submission
Length: 5-10 poems, previously unpublished. Submit all the poems in a single document.
Published : Our Poet of the Year will receive $3000 and a lifetime ONLY POEMS Membership. 4 Finalists will receive $500 each and a year-long ONLY POEMS Membership.
As we do with our Poet of the Week series, we will publish 3-10 poems by all five selected poets alongside extensive interviews. Publication will be between July-November of the same year.
Click Here to Submit

The Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize is a writing competition sponsored by the stage and radio series Selected Shorts. This long-running series at Symphony Space in New York City celebrates the art of the short story by having stars of stage and screen read aloud the works of established and emerging writers. Selected Shorts is recorded for Public Radio and heard nationally on both the radio and its weekly podcast.

The winning work will be performed by an actor in spring 2025, and published on Electric Literature. The winning writer will receive $1000 and a free 10-week course with Gotham Writers.

Theme: Open
Entry Deadline: March 7, 2025
Entry Fee: $25/submission
Length: 700 words max. We do not accept work that has been previously published in print, online, or any other medium.
Published : see above.
The winner will be announced in spring 2025. 
Click Here to Submit
According to their website, "Duotrope is an established, award-winning resource for writers and artists. We help you save time finding publishers or literary agents, so you can focus on creating. Our publication and agent listings are up to date and full of information you won't find elsewhere. We also offer submission trackers, custom searches, deadline calendars, statistical reports, and extensive interviews." 
Click Here for More Information
According to their website, "For writers, getting your work published and recognized is a step toward realizing your goals as an author. However, finding the right contests or publications can be a challenging and time consuming. Authors now have the opportunity to find and submit their writing to magazines, publishers, and contests through a website called Submittable."
Click Here for More Information
According to their website, "CaFÉ strives to make art opportunities available to all by offering arts organizations an affordable submission platform and artists an easy way to apply. CaFÉ  has an open call for everyone, from competitions to public art calls, to art contests and more. Artists can create an artist portfolio for free and apply to various call listings. CaFÉ also hosts its own call for entry."
Click Here for More Information
According to their website, "For the Artist, Maker and (Forever) Inspired. Artists Network is with you every step of your art journey. Artists Network produces anywhere from three to five major events for visual art enthusiasts each year. We plan and produce different art-making getaways and retreats, art competitions, pop-up learn-ins, Paint Alongs, art talks and tours, and more in locations worldwide."
Click Here for More Information
Workshops - Classes
Visual Art Opportunities
HCP offers a variety of multi-session courses, weekend courses, and short workshops (3-6 hours long). 
Explore your creativity, learn practical skills and techniques, and enrich your photographic practice with the guidance of our leading instructors.
  • The Photographer as a Storyteller (Mar 1-15)
  • Out & About: The Rodeo (Mar 1-15) 
  • Understanding Light Metering and Exposure (Mar 9) 
  • Photography Basics - Teens (Mar 10-14) 
  • Portrait Mode: Fashion & Style - Teens (Mar 10-14)
  • Digital Lab Crash Course (Mar 12)
  • and much more!

WHEN: Classes start throughout March
Houston Center for Photography 1441 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77006.
COST: Varies per class

Register for Classes here

3-Day Workshop by Bruce Peil

Bruce is a landscape painter working in oil, but the concepts in this workshop work for any subject matter and any medium if your goal is to truthfully represent the subject.

The workshop starts with a lecture about how and what Bruce thinks about while he is  painting. To emphasize these essentials, various charts with examples are shown about values, color, composition, contrast and edges. This leads to students asking questions that lead to other topics. 

In the morning, color mixing is discussed and demonstrated.  Bruce will show how to mix any color using only three primary colors. This covers the whole morning. In the afternoon students paint color and value mixing exercises immediately following my demonstration. 

The next two days we look at subject matter and start painting. Bruce encourages everyone to bring several photos to paint. He will also have several photos for students to use. 

WHEN: March 27th to March 29th, 2025
WHERE: Woodlands Art League Studio. 701 Sawdust Rd., Spring, TX 77380.
COST: $500 for WAL Members, $550 for non-members.
Intermediate to Advanced
Please register here.

Register here

This class is intended for adults and older teens. 
Painting experience is preferred.

We'll start with discussing these uniquely formulated oil paints, then we'll all do some painting.

Materials list:
  • Bring an assortment of brushes, paper towels, a container for water -  old coffee cups are great.
  • Two small to medium size canvases, such as 11x14, 12x16, 16x20.
  • Water soluble/mixable oil paint can be purchased locally at Michael's Stores or ordered from your favorite online art supply.
  • Suggested colors: Payne's Gray, Yellow Ochre, Alizarin Crimson, a medium blue (Kings Blue or Cerulean Blue) plus Titanium white. 
This is the first workshop and will be continued as interest is determined.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Danna by email at or call/text  (805) 844-0908.

WHEN: March 12th, 2025 1pm-4pm
WHERE: Woodlands Art League Studio. 701 Sawdust Rd., Spring, TX 77380.
COST: $125 for WAL Members, $155 for non-members.
Please register here.

Register Here

Colored Pencils as a Fine Art Medium
with Jesse Lane

Learn the secrets of turning colored pencil into a fine art medium.
You can use your pencils to create works as rich and nuanced as any oil painting.  

Award-winning, world-renowned artist, Jesse Lane, guides you step by step, sharing his signature style for creating nuanced skin tones, dynamic lighting, and compelling composition.


Everyone works on the same portrait as Jesse gives detailed demos and works with students one-on-one.

The workshop includes:

  • Large-Screen Demos: A video camera on Jesse’s drawing board is projected to a screen so students can easily follow along.
  • One-on-One Instruction: Jesse visits each participant, offering encouragement, answering questions, and explaining technique.
  • High-quality instructional materials, including a reference photo, a glossy tutorial booklet, and the image outlined on drawing paper.

Since colored pencil is a very slow medium, students will not complete the portrait in this workshop. Students learn the skills to complete the portrait on their own with the detailed, step-by-step workbook.  Take your art to the next level in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere!

WHEN: March 15th to March 16th, 2025
WHERE: Conroe Art League Studio. 127 Simonton St., Conroe, TX 77301.
COST: $345 for CAL Members, $385 for non-members.
All skill levels welcome!
Please register here.

Register here

 Workshop-Oil Painting
with Fran Ellisor

Fran will be demonstrating at the March 17, 10AM meeting.
Her painting workshop is March 24, 10AM.


WHEN: March 24, 2025 10AM.
WHERE: Memorial Church of Christ, Family Center, Room 302, 900 Echo Lane, Houston, TX 77024
COST: $40 Members, $60 Non-members
Please register here.

Register Here
Literary Opportunities
WRITESPACE is Houston's writing center. Founded in April of 2014, we are a grassroots literary arts organization founded by writers, for writers. At WRITESPACE, we support writers of all genres, including writers of literary fiction, poetry, science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, young adult, and other genres.
We offer weekly writing workshops, manuscript consultations, write-ins, open mics, socials, and more. In the spring of each year, we host a national literary festival, Writefest. 
  • Read Like a Writer: Donald Barthelme & Gabriel García Márquez
  • Writing from the Power of the Senses - 6 Class Bundle
  • Love is in the Air: 4 Workshop Bundle
  • Writing from the Power of the Senses: Chocolate
  • Mystery-building in a Novel
  • The Happy Hour: Making Yourself and Your Creative Practice a Priority
  • The Amherst Way with Jessica Cole
  • and many more!
Click for more info or to register for classes, workshops and other offerings

The Houston Writers Guild is a volunteer-run, nonprofit organization working to create a community of writers of all skill levels. Together we strive to improve our writing craft and help each other build successful careers through education, collaborative marketing efforts, and camaraderie.
The Guild offers a myriad of programs for both published and unpublished writers. It creates opportunities to build careers through networking, as well as, opportunities for author book sales throughout the Greater Houston area and neighboring communities. The Guild is also a place for hobbyist authors to enjoy writing in a relaxed and fun environment.

Critique Group
Writer's Room - several offerings
Click for more information
Inprint envisions Houston, Texas as a city where the literary arts are a defining resource. Thousands of Houstonians, recognizing the value and impact of the written word, join in Inprint programs to write, read, and support the literary arts. The community is enriched by some of the nation’s top emerging writers, who study at the University of Houston Creative Writing Program and teach at Inprint and various local community centers, schools, and universities.
  • Celebrating the Stories of our Elders: A Reading
  • Inprint Jennifer Chang & Naomi Shihab Nye Reading
  • Inprint & BCM HEAL Book Club discusses Solito
  • Inprint Emma Donoghue Reading
Click for more info or to register for classes & workshops
The WRITER'S LEAGUE of TEXAS (WLT) is the largest literary arts organization in Texas, a statewide nonprofit offering programs and services to writers at all stages of their writing careers, from just getting started to publication and beyond. 
Founded in 1981, the organization’s mission is to provide a forum for information, support, and sharing among writers; to help writers improve their craft and understand the business of publishing; to promote the interests of writers from diverse cultural, economic, sexual identity and orientation, ethnic, and religious backgrounds; and to elevate the art and enterprise of writing, including supporting and growing the Texas literary community at large.
  • Crafting a Vivid Scene from Beginning to End
  • Finding Your Voice and Style
  • Becoming a Full-Time Author: The Personal, Emotional, and Financial Logistics of a Writing Career
  • Spark into Flame: Working with Early Drafts of a Novel
  • March Third Thursday: “Writing the Natural World
  • Memory or Myth: Making Your Memoir Memorable
Click for more info or to register for classes & workshops
The International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG) is dedicated to building a worldwide community where storytelling connects, inspires, and uplifts voices across cultures. We celebrate the richness of diverse traditions, histories, and perspectives, recognizing that every writer contributes to the shared human experience.
All IWWG workshops are listed in ET (Eastern Time).
TWO SYLVIAS PRESS is an independent press located in the Seattle area. We publish poetry, memoir, essays, books on the craft of writing, and creativity tools, such as The Poet Tarot, The Daily Poet, Everything is Writable, PR for Poets, Demystifying the Manuscript, and the bestselling resource for poets, The Weekly Muse.
* Collaboration Catalogs Available! *
We have another excellent collaboration on the books!
Each member who participated in the ENTANGLED Collaboration received a copy of the catalog containing all the artwork and literary pieces. Melody still has a limited supply of copies in her studio that you can purchase for $15.

In addition, you can also purchase additional copies of the REFLECTION catalog from the 2022 Collaboration for $5.
Stop by Studio 320 at Silver Street Studios to purchase additional copies of either catalog. Silver Street Studios is located in the Main Yard of Sawyer Yards. Call ahead at 713-851-0134 to ensure that she’ll be in the studio when you arrive.

Remember to check the WiVLA Calendar for exciting events, such as field trips, studio visits, workshops, and other fun activities.
WiVLA Calendar

Other Revelant Calendars:

Save the Dates
Save the Date(s)
April 5th: Reception for Melody Locke's exhibit, DREAMSCAPE: The Garden of Your Mind at the Jung Center from April 5 - May 15.
April 12th: Poetry by the Bay, LaPorte Branch Library
April 15th: Member Meeting on ECO fund. Check the WiVLA Calendar for details and updates.

April 26th: "Afternoon Art Salon" at the Jung Center for a small reception and a chance to meet the artist, our Melody Locke!
July 17th: WiLVA "Rise" Reception, Sabine Street Studios in the North Yard of Sawyer Yards.
WILVA "Rise" Exhibit: July 18th - August 31st, 2025, at Sabine. 
WiVLA Needs Your Expertise
Do you have special skills, talents or knowledge to share with other WiVLA members? Now is a good time to volunteer ~
  • Serve on a committee
  • Speak at a monthly meeting
  • Lead a workshop.
  • Be creative
Don't be shy. We have a lot to learn from each other.
Click here to connect with a board member
We'd love to celebrate your good news. If you are interested in sharing, please send your items to The deadline for inclusion in the next month's newsletter is the 20th. Thank you.
Submit News Items Here
Thank you to our Sponsors~

Ruby R Scott (WIVLA Member)
Arts a Daisy Gallery

Rosario Solis (WIVLA Member)
Fine Arts and Crafts

Billie Duncan (WIVLA Member)

Grackle & Grackle


The following companies offer discounts to WiVLA.
Show your appreciation by extending your patronage.

Art Supply on Almeda Road
5301 Almeda Road
Houston, TX 77004


Frame Destination


Copyright © 2025 Women in the Visual and Literary Arts, All rights reserved.
You are a current or former WiVLA member.

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Women in the Visual and Literary Arts
712 Wilcrest Dr # 2107
Houston, TX 77042-1348

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February 2025