February 2025

WiVLA February 2025 (heart's desire) Newsletter
Inspire. Promote. Collaborate.                      February (heart's desire) 2025                                  

* Some e-mail users might need to click "view entire message" at the bottom of the Newsletter to enjoy the entire Newsletter. *
Article header: (text on image) President's Message
The President's Message:
Some months are tougher than others for me to write a President’s Message.

I want to honor the deadline for our newsletter and get my message in the hands of the Newsletter chair.
I want my words to have meaning.
I want the message to celebrate our work as individuals and as a community.
I often find myself writing it just before it is due.

It is Sunday, Jan 19. I stare at a blank page. Sitting in between the molten collective grief from the fires in California and the chilling unknowns of the days ahead, I am at a loss for words. 

My mind wanders to a message curated during my daily blackout poetry practice. Over the past 18 years, I’ve tried many writing, art, and spiritual practices. I hold on to blackout poetry as my spiritual practice because it makes space for my heart and soul to speak, to console and inspire my anxious mind. The words I harvest from the pages bring me clarity, discernment, hope, and guidance. 

With so much to hold from the recent past and immediate future, I flip through the pages of Braiding Sweetgrass to the page I was present with on Jan 2.
Are not the problem
Back away into shadow
Hear the voices
Switch on my light again
Everybody bound-together with

May the light of your curiosity and creativity be the warmth and guidance you seek. What a gift it is to be bound together by our creative and collective spirits!
 ~ Brooke Summers-Perry 
This edition of the newsletter contains:
WIVLA Exhibit "Rise" Open for Submissions
Art by Shirley Beyer
 "Rise" refers to moving upward, increasing height, level, or quantity, or becoming more prominent or successful. It is used in various contexts, from physical movement to abstract concepts like growth, improvement, or awakening. It’s a versatile term that conveys movement, development, and progress across physical, emotional, and metaphorical dimensions. Common synonyms include ascend, climb, increase, advance, grow, emerge, and rebel.

Show us how your interpretation of rise ignites your creative energy into new dimensions of existence.

Theme: "Rise" 
Entry Deadline: Closes June 15, 2025 
Entry Fee: $50 for up to 4 entries; $5 for each additional entry up to 10. Members of WiVLA enjoy a discounted entry fee of $35 for the first four entries. Members must log in to the WIVLA website and then go to the Member's Only page to get the discount code.
Requirements: Eligible works include photography, watercolor, oil painting, acrylic painting, pastels, drawing, collage, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, glass, and any other 2D or 3D work representing or reflecting the theme “Rise.” Video and AI works are not eligible. 
Please follow the instructions on the Rise exhibition page!

Location: Sabine Street Studios in the North Yard of Sawyer Yards.
Show Dates: July 17,2025 - Aug 31, 2025
Click here to Submit
Journey into Hope
Short Story Contest

Journey into Hope.
Entry Deadline: 4/30/2025
Entry Fee: $30 members, $40 non-members/submission. Authors can submit up to 3 stories.
Length: 5,000 words max
Published : October 3, 2025
Send your submissions as 2 Word Documents to inklingspublishing@gmail.com

Winners will be published in an anthology available through Amazon.
Seeking Presenter for WIVLA Member Meeting
on "How to Monetize Your Writing"
WIVLA's Programs Director, Elissa Davis, would love to hear from any member who would be interested being a presenter for a Member Meeting on "How to Monetize Your Writing." 
Or send her the name of someone who you know would be a great speaker on this topic!
Please reach out to Elissa directly.
WIVLA on YouTube...

Subscribe to the WiVLA YouTube Channel for recordings of member meetings and other exciting events!
Click to Subscribe

Educational and Cultural Opportunity Grant

ECO Fund Grant
Each year, WiVLA awards two $1,000 grants--one to a writer and one to an artist. These grants afford our members professional and educational development opportunities. At this year's April meeting, you'll hear how Jean King (Visual Art) and Mildred Mills (Literary Art), last year's recipients, used their grants. After their presentations, they'll draw the names of this year's lucky recipients.
To be eligible for this unique opportunity:
  • You must be a member in good standing for the past two calendar years (2023 & 2024). To verify your eligibility, contact our membership chair at membership@wivla.org. 
  • You must be a member in good standing by April 1, 2025. Do you need to renew? If so, access your profile on our website. 
  • You cannot have received an ECO Grant. Prior recipients are not eligible. 
  • You must complete your application by Thursday, April 4th. You can access the application from the ECO page on our website or from this link.
For further details about the ECO Fund Grant opportunity please see the WiVLA website. Application forms are available now.
Since the beginning of the ECO Fund Grant awards, WiVLA has given $50,000 to our members. Perhaps this could be your year!

Past year's winners have used the monies to create and screen video productions, take classes and workshops, and even a trip to Ireland to work with expert artists!
Submit your name for the ECO Fund Grant
Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay
Writing Critique Groups
  • Houston Writers Guild Critique Groups - in person and virtual
  • WRITESPACE Write Practice subscriptions - virtual only
  • HerStry Critique Groups - Virtual, 2 sessions starting in March with more throughout the year.
Member Meeting
Section Header: Member Meeting
February Member Meeting
Feldenkrais for Artists with Gika Rector

Felden-what? Feldenkrais—rhymes with paradise. Moshe Feldenkrais developed a surprising approach to helping us move better. Following some simple, gentle movements, we find easier, more flexible ways to move our bodies. And that means we can do more of the things we want to do, with greater ease and grace—including our artwork.

A fiber artist for more than 30 years, Gika Rector combines creativity, an education in psychology, and her role as a personal coach to facilitate transformation in individuals and organizations. Once described as “the quietest storm that ever blew through town,” Gika is passionate about inviting people to come out and play—to be who they were meant to be and do what they were meant to do. Imagine what the world would be like if we were all following our best and brightest ideas and intuitions!
Check out the WiVLA Calendar for details and updates.
Tuesday, Fsbruary 18th
6:00-8:00 PM
Meeting Highlight
Section Header: Meeting Highlight
Circle of Five
The members of WIVLA gathered together to celebrate our love of art and share what we've been working on recently. It was wonderful having "face-to-face" time in small groups to learn more about each other and the passion for art that we share, literary and visual!
Recording available on WIVLA's Youtube channel.
Member Highlight

Catherine Gentry is a Houston writer dedicated to compassionate creativity. She holds a BA in English from Princeton University and practiced environmental law in Houston before retiring to raise her three now grown children.

Her essays and stories have been published in The Houston Chronicle, The Princeton Alumni Weekly, and Women Under Scrutiny: An Anthology of Truths, as well as in online publications including Grown and Flown and Literary Mama.

Her short story "Shimmer" was featured in the Journey Into Time anthology and this past month, she was honored to be a guest on the podcast, Her Own Words, discussing her essay, "Not Quite Old".

She enjoys collaborating with local artists on literary and visual arts projects, most recently the WiVLA Entangled collaboration.

As a Writer in Residence with Writers in the Schools (WITS), she enjoys visiting classrooms across the Houston area to teach creative writing and inspire storytelling in unexpected ways.

Catherine loves exploring her city to find new places and inspiration and is an avid accidental gardener.

You can find her on Instagram, Facebook, and read more of her work on her website.

Who will WiVLA highlight next?
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay; Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Each month, a WiVLA member is highlighted in the Newsletter. This is a fun way for us to get to know each other.
Contact the Literary Art Chair or the Visual Art Chair, if you would like your time in the spotlight.
Literary Art Chair
Visual Art Chair
Member News
Margaret Anderson
Book Published about her father.
The Man in The Mirror
an Independent Spirit in a Regimented World
My biggest news for 2024: publication of the memoir about my Dad's experiences in the Navy in World War II, The Man in the Mirror—An Independent Spirit in a Regimented World. It's not all about fighting, like some military memoirs. Rather, it's about my dad's own unique experiences, and also the unique history of the ship on which he served. Available only on Amazon.
Margaret's webiste
Catherine Gentry
Essay Winner and In Her Words Podcast Guest

"I don't have to behave in a certain way. Too many people view aging as something out of control and scary, which it can be, but by clinging tightly to old ways, as rigid and unbending as arthritic joints, they make it even harder."

Catherine's essay, "Not Quite Old," was selected from submissions for the podcast Her Own Words, which works to support and uplift women through inspiring stories. The podcast episode aired January 7:
I share my essay about the impacts of aging, especially on women, and the inspiration I take from my grandmother, also named Catherine and almost exactly 50 years older than I am. She was a former flapper who as a teenager took joy rides in a hearse "borrowed" from a friend's father, climbed out the window to elope and marry my grandfather, and enjoyed strawberry ice cream in celebration of her birthday until she was nearly 97 years old. 
Catherine's webiste
 Sarah Sudhoff 
Had an installation at the Houston Health Museum
"The Reading Brain" was created by Sarah Sudhoff and developed with Dr. Guinevere Eden, director of the Center for the Study of Learning at Georgetown University. The installation was a feature of the museum during MindWorks which ran through Jan 5, 2025.

The exhibit displays a vibrantly colored, playful organic brain-like structure, which generates a real-time, changing visualization of brain activity produced by dyslexic children reading.

Sarah collaborated with doctors to collect data and make the final piece research-based. Sarah also has a son who is dyslexic and likes sculptures and the color red—things she took into the final design of the exhibit.
Photograph by Sarah Sudhoff
Sarah's Website.
Katherine McDaniel 
Katherine is performing in West Side Story with the Houston Grand Opera Chorus. West Side Story is running through Feb 15, 2025. Tickets available online.

She will also be the featured reader at the Writespace Open Mic Friday, February 23rd. The Writespace Open Mic is 7 to 9:30 on Friday.

Katherine is also the founder, director, and editor of Synkroniciti literary magazine.
Katherine's Facebook page
Margo Stutts Toombs
Received a Support for Artists and Creative Individuals grant award
The Organ-ic Variety Show is funded in part by the
City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance.
#HoustonArtsAlliance #HoustonMOCA
Margo's website
Deborah Ellington
Exhibit with Chris Alexander at Archway Gallery
Opening Reception
Saturday, February 1

5 – 8 p.m.
Artists' Talk at 6:30 p.m.
Deborah's website.
Melody Locke
Has two photograph successes!
Melody has adorned one of the 91 12"x12" cradled boards for the Conroe Art League's (CAL) annual CAL 12x12 Art Show and Auction.

The proceeds from this auction support high school seniors in Montgomery County, TX, to help them further their artistic pursuits. The auction opened on January 7 and closed on January 31. 
Melody's second is “Myrtle and Lily” that was juried into the CAL International 2025 show by Zaeed Kala!

She created this piece for the ENTANGLED Collaboration, and it is named for two of her relatives—her great grandmother Myrtle, and her half sister, Lily.

This show will be on view in the Madeley Fine Art Gallery in Conroe, TX from March 4 - 30, 2025
Melody's website.
Amanda Wenger
Amanda has signed with a literary agent to represent her debut novel, WINTER AT CANDLESEND!
She is now represented by Ashley Lopez at Waxman Literary!
Amanda's website.
Raven Kushner
Raven is in a group exhibit at the
African American Museum Dallas
which runs from January 31, 2025 to July 24, 2025.
Raven's website.
Kathi Crawford
Kathy's flash nonfiction story, How to Survive Water,
has been published by BULL.
This story will also be included in a chapbook she is currently submitting for publication.

An excerpt: “Dive deeper into the pool. Feel the spidery awakening. This is how you learn the rapid, shallow breathing of survival. A choice is a fork in the road you cannot return to.”
Kathi's website.
Sandi Stromberg
Sandi's poem, "Sixty Seconds of Infinity," is included in the anthology The Senior Class: 100 Poets on Aging
This is an anthology just released by Lamar University Literary Press and is edited by Laurence Musgrove. It's available from Amazon.
Sandi's book on Amazon
Theme: The produced writing will respond to and support the work of Leili Arai Tavallaei, winner of the fourth annual Cluley Projects open call.
Entry Deadline: 2/16/2025
Entry Fee: None.

Requirements: Call is only for Texas Residents. Submit Statement of Interest (500 words max), two Writing Samples (1,000 words max each), and a CV/Resume via the linked form
Published : The winner will produce a text (~ 750-1250 words) to be published in conjunction with the opening of the fourth annual Cluley Projects open call winner exhibition in May/June 2025
Finalists notified 2/16/2025.
Winner receives $500 honorarium, one-on-one mentorship, and publication opportunities.

Questions about the application can be directed to victoria@erincluley.com. 
Click Here for Submission Information
Equinox Volume 8
Spring 2025
Biannual Open Call

hotpoet has launched Equinox, a biannual digital multimedia journal that showcases poets, writers, and artists.

While solstices are the extremes of the year, an equinox is equidistant, poised on the edge of one thing or another, the cusp of change or transformation. With this archetypal significance in mind, Equinox strives to explore the contemplative and motivational power of writers and artists; to celebrate how word and image can create a world and then change it. 
We invite you to send us your poems, flash fiction, flash essay, photography, and art. We look for contemplative, argumentative, globally aware, despair-resistant, and apathy-abolishing works.

Theme: Inner Chambers, Secret Rooms
This theme invites you to shift your focus to interior spaces, whether literal or metaphorical. As always, you are free to respond to this theme in any way that is meaningful to you. We are eager to visit the rooms you remember, the chambers you imagine, the havens you invent.
Entry Deadline: 2/18/2025
Entry Fee: $5/submission 
(3 pieces in any one genre (poetry, flash prose, or image) 
Length: Poems, flash fiction, flash essay, photography, and art. We look for contemplative, argumentative, globally aware, despair-resistant, and apathy-abolishing works. 
Published : online on hotpoet website
Click Here to Submit
More opportunities for both Visual and Literary
The Bayou Review Spring 2025 issue.
Accepting Creative Non-Fiction, Fiction, Poetry, Reviews and Visual Art
Theme: Open
Send submissions to bayourevieweditor@gmail.com.


Yellow Art Journal 

Biannual Open Call for their UNFURL (Vol. X, No. 1, spring 2025)
Accepting creative nonfiction and poetry by authors identifying as women.
Theme: Works that explore the process people go through when finding and transforming into their authentic selves. This issue will be a survey of the unique journeys people take when experiencing and undergoing self-transformation, journeys that all start with a little fire, a desire, deep inside.
Opens: 2/1/2025
Send submissions to submissions@yellowarrowpublishing.com

Monday Mag 

Accepting short stories, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual art that feels like a dream.
Theme: Works for ghost stories (visual art), Halloween (poetry & visual art), ritual (fiction, non-fiction, & visual art).
Deadline: June 2025
Send submissions to moondaymag@gmail.com
Houston Center of Contemporary Craft's
Craft Texas 2025

All craft artists currently residing in Texas and working in clay, fiber, glass, metal, wood, and found/recycled materials are encouraged to apply to Craft Texas 2025, the twelfth show in a long-running series of juried exhibitions showcasing the finest in Texas-made contemporary craft. 

Theme: open
Deadline: 4/30/2025
Fee: None. Submit up to three (3) original works completed within the last two (2) years and an artist statement.

Location: HCCC 4848 MAIN STREET, HOUSTON, TX 77002
Show Dates: September 6, 2025 – January 9, 2026

Click Here to Submit
The Stephen F. Austin (SFA) Galleries present exhibitions of regional, national and international art to an expanding audience centered in East Texas. The gallery facilitates sales but takes no commission. 

Works may be of any medium (except video and performance). All works must be original and completed within the last two years.


Theme: open
Deadline: 2/8/2025
Fee: $35 for up to 3 images of works.
Location: SFA Galleries, Nacogdoches, Texas
Show Dates: April 11, 2025 - June 22, 2025
Awards: 1st - $2,000; 2nd - $1,000; 3rd - $500; Honorable Mentions

Click Here to Submit
Opens Call for Solo Art Exhibitions
In 1975, the Jung Center opened its non-profit gallery space in Houston's Museum District.  The space exhibits a diverse array of artists and a permanent collection by Peter Birkhäuser.

The gallery space presents up-and-coming artists, local artists, Texas based artists, career retrospectives, and established or mid-career artists. Our fine art committee welcomes artists of different backgrounds and abilities to apply to our free annual open call. 

Submission Guildelines

Theme: open
Entry Deadline: open between January 1st and April 30th, 2025.
Entry Fee: none
Images for application: up to 10 images representative of the proposal. Also includes artists statement and bio.
Location: The Jung Center 5200 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, TX 77006
Dates: 2025 - 2026

Email entries to: Art and Exhibitions Committee, care of Elissa A. Davis at edavis@junghouston.org.

The Sugar Land Arts & Music Fest is a two-day festival in the heart of Sugar Land, an emerging hub for the arts. More than 100 artists participate in the event, which is a prime opportunity for them to exhibit and sell their artwork across 14 different mediums. Hosted by the Sugar Land Cultural Arts Foundation (SLCAF), a 501 c3 organization that strives to promote, connect, and empower arts and culture throughout our diverse community, the Sugar Land Arts & Music Fest is a testament to the positive impact the organization has on our community. 

Theme: open
Entry Deadline: 1/15/2025 (Early Bird Deadline); 3/1/2025 (Final)
Entry Fee: $25/application
Images for application: 6 Images. You can submit up to 10 applications for this show.
Location: Smart Financial Centre Plaza, 18111 Lexington Blvd, Sugar Land, Texas (South).
Dates: April 26 & 27, 2025 10AM – 4pm
Click Here to Submit

The Art Center of Corpus Christi open call for applications for the 2025 Artist-in-Residence Program offered in collaboration with Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi’s Center for Coastal Studies (CCS). This is an extraordinary opportunity to create and reflect amidst the unique ecosystems of the Laguna Madre.

Two Opportunities:
  • South Texas Visual Artists: Deadline March 14, 2025 (Stipend: $2,000) Applicants must reside in one of the following South Texas counties: Brooks, Cameron, Duval, Hildalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Nueces, San Patricio, Starr, Webb, Willacy, or Zapata
  • National & International Artists: Deadline May 16, 2025 (Stipend: $4,000) Open to all national and international visual artists.
 The program includes:
  • A 5-day immersive stay at the Laguna Madre Field Station, an off-grid research station on a pristine island.
  • A 1-week studio residency at the Art Center of Corpus Christi.
  • A solo exhibition showcasing your work, highlighting the beauty and conservation of the Laguna Madre.
Theme: Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Photography, Illustration, Book Arts, Ceramics, Paper Arts, Textile & Fiber Arts, Woodworking, Environmental Arts, and more.
Entry Deadline
o    South Texas Deadline: March 14, 2025
o    National/International Deadline: May 16, 2025

Entry Fee: none. 
For application: Work samples, resume, completed questionnaire, two professional references.
Location: Laguna Madre Field Station built on an island in the Laguna Madre, then studio residency at the Art Center of Corpus Christi.
Dates: Fall 2025/ Spring 2026
Click Here to Apply
Online Editing Tools
Looking to get your literary works ready for submission?
Consider using one (or more!) of these online editing tools to help your work shine! These tools come in both free and fee based versions. These tools can evaluate much more than spelling and grammar! 

Reading Period: March 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025.
Entry Fee: $18/submission
Length: 5-10 poems, previously unpublished. Submit all the poems in a single document.
Published : Our Poet of the Year will receive $3000 and a lifetime ONLY POEMS Membership. 4 Finalists will receive $500 each and a year-long ONLY POEMS Membership.
As we do with our Poet of the Week series, we will publish 3-10 poems by all five selected poets alongside extensive interviews. Publication will be between July-November of the same year.
Click Here to Submit
Women's Fiction Writers Association
2025 STAR Award for Published Women’s Fiction

Women's fiction is defined as a story where the emotional journey of the protagonist is the driving force of the story. The protagonist’s journey must lead to a more fulfilled self.

Women’s fiction is a flexible genre in that it may include romance, or it may not. It could be contemporary or historical and have magical, mystery, thriller, suspense, or other elements.

The driving force of a romance novel is a love story, a mystery's is the exposure of an event, a thriller's is a fear-inducing chase or escape, etc. If your manuscript's driving force best fits another genre, such as romance, science fiction, thriller, etc., it is not eligible for the STAR Award.

The STAR Award has two categories. 
A general category for all full-length published women's fiction, regardless of time period of the premise or additional plot element.*
The second category is 'Outstanding Debut.' To be eligible, the entry must be women's fiction and the author’s first ever published work in any genre.

Women's Fiction (see above). 
Entry Deadline: Opens February 12, 2025. Closes February 28, 2025 
Entry Fee: $50 WFWA Members, $60 non-WFWA Members/submission
Length: book-length women's fiction (60k words or more). Books must be written in English with an original copyright date in the calendar year 2024.
Published : Finalists Announced: June 8, 2025 Live on National Women's Fiction Day. Winners Announced: September 26, 2025 at the Albuquerque Retreat.
In addition to the traditional STAR Award trophy and recognition by WFWA, the winner of each category will receive a $500 prize.

Additional Questions? Contact the STAR Award coordinator at staraward@womensfictionwriters.org.
Click Here to Submit
The Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize is a writing competition sponsored by the stage and radio series Selected Shorts. This long-running series at Symphony Space in New York City celebrates the art of the short story by having stars of stage and screen read aloud the works of established and emerging writers. Selected Shorts is recorded for Public Radio and heard nationally on both the radio and its weekly podcast.

The winning work will be performed by an actor in spring 2025, and published on Electric Literature. The winning writer will receive $1000 and a free 10-week course with Gotham Writers.

Entry Deadline: March 7, 2025

Entry Fee: $25/submission
Length: 700 words max. We do not accept work that has been previously published in print, online, or any other medium.

Published : see above.
The winner will be announced in spring 2025. 
Click Here to Submit

An invented word
Entry Deadline: Feb 28, 2025
Entry Fee: $0/submission
Length: 70 words max.
 Limit one entry per person. Entry must be original and unpublished.
Published : winning entry will be posted at GothamWriters.com. The winner will be notified by mid-March.
Entries will be judged on originality, quality, spelling, and grammar.
Winner receives a free Gotham class of their choosing, excluding any premium classes.
Click Here to Submit

Insights for Writers:
What Lit Mag Is the Right Home for Your Work?

Submitting to Literary Magazines

According to their website, "Duotrope is an established, award-winning resource for writers and artists. We help you save time finding publishers or literary agents, so you can focus on creating. Our publication and agent listings are up to date and full of information you won't find elsewhere. We also offer submission trackers, custom searches, deadline calendars, statistical reports, and extensive interviews." 
Click Here for More Information
According to their website, "For writers, getting your work published and recognized is a step toward realizing your goals as an author. However, finding the right contests or publications can be a challenging and time consuming. Authors now have the opportunity to find and submit their writing to magazines, publishers, and contests through a website called Submittable."
Click Here for More Information
According to their website, "CaFÉ strives to make art opportunities available to all by offering arts organizations an affordable submission platform and artists an easy way to apply. CaFÉ  has an open call for everyone, from competitions to public art calls, to art contests and more. Artists can create an artist portfolio for free and apply to various call listings. CaFÉ also hosts its own call for entry."
Click Here for More Information
According to their website, "For the Artist, Maker and (Forever) Inspired. Artists Network is with you every step of your art journey. Artists Network produces anywhere from three to five major events for visual art enthusiasts each year. We plan and produce different art-making getaways and retreats, art competitions, pop-up learn-ins, Paint Alongs, art talks and tours, and more in locations worldwide."
Click Here for More Information
Workshops - Classes
Visual Art Opportunities

Drawing by Cheryl Evans

Cheryl will be demonstrating at the Feb. 10, 10AM meeting.
Her drawing workshop is Feb. 24, 10AM.

WHEN: Feb. 24, 10AM

WHERE: Memorial Church of Christ, Family Center, Room 302, 900 Echo LaneHouston, TX 77024
COST: $40 Members, $60 Non-members
Please register here.

Register here

3-Day Workshop by Bruce Peil

This 3-day workshop will teach you how to truthfully represent the landscape.

Bruce is a landscape painter working in oil, but the concepts in this workshop work for any subject matter and any medium if your goal is to truthfully represent the subject.

The workshop starts with a lecture about how and what Bruce thinks about while he is  painting. To emphasize these essentials, various charts with examples are shown about values, color, composition, contrast and edges. This leads to students asking questions that lead to other topics. 

In the morning, color mixing is discussed and demonstrated.  Bruce will show how to mix any color using only three primary colors. This covers the whole morning. In the afternoon students paint color and value mixing exercises immediately following my demonstration. 

The next two days we look at subject matter and start painting. Bruce encourages everyone to bring several photos to paint. He will also have several photos for students to use. 

WHEN: March 27th to March 29th, 2025
WHERE: Woodlands Art League Studio. 701 Sawdust Rd., Spring, TX 77380.
COST: $500 for WAL Members, $550 for non-members.
Intermediate to Advanced

Please register here.

Register here

Colored Pencils as a Fine Art Medium
with Jesse Lane

Learn the secrets of turning colored pencil into a fine art medium.
You can use your pencils to create works as rich and nuanced as any oil painting.  

Award-winning, world-renowned artist, Jesse Lane, guides you step by step, sharing his signature style for creating nuanced skin tones, dynamic lighting, and compelling composition.


Everyone works on the same portrait as Jesse gives detailed demos and works with students one-on-one.

The workshop includes:

  • Large-Screen Demos: A video camera on Jesse’s drawing board is projected to a screen so students can easily follow along.
  • One-on-One Instruction: Jesse visits each participant, offering encouragement, answering questions, and explaining technique.
  • High-quality instructional materials, including a reference photo, a glossy tutorial booklet, and the image outlined on drawing paper.

Since colored pencil is a very slow medium, students will not complete the portrait in this workshop. Students learn the skills to complete the portrait on their own with the detailed, step-by-step workbook.  Take your art to the next level in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere!

WHEN: March 15th to March 16th, 2025
WHERE: Conroe Art League Studio. 127 Simonton St., Conroe, TX 77301.
COST: $345 for CAL Members, $385 for non-members.
All skill levels welcome!

Please register here.

Register here

Color Boot Camp with Robin Williamson


Many artists struggle with color mixing because there is no one single way to mix a color. In this one day class, you'll learn how to successfully mix oil paint and learn a sure-fire method to replicate any color that you see.

We will discuss color theory, the Munsell color system, warm and cool colors, and mixing realistic flesh tones. We will also discuss how to do small color studies and their use and purpose in your painting process.

The class will conclude with each student doing a small color study and learning how to use this process when figuring out color mixtures for their own works.

WHEN: Feb 8, 2025, 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
WHERE: The DaVinci Studios, 104 Industrial Blvd - Suite Q, Sugar Land, TX.
COST: $150. 
All Levels welcome. 
Please register here.
Robin also offers classes!

Register here
Literary Opportunities
WRITESPPACE is Houston's writing center. Founded in April of 2014, we are a grassroots literary arts organization founded by writers, for writers. At WRITESPACE, we support writers of all genres, including writers of literary fiction, poetry, science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, young adult, and other genres.
We offer weekly writing workshops, manuscript consultations, write-ins, open mics, socials, and more. In the spring of each year, we host a national literary festival, Writefest. 
  • Project Management for Writers

  • Poetics for Prose

  • Writers Worldbuilding Like a Pro

  • Fantastic Characters in Speculative Fiction Writing is Like Running

  • Editing Poetry 

  • Writing Rapidly to find your Gems 

  • Short to Long - Expanding on Ideas 

  • Secondary Characters - Reflections 

  • Art in the AM: notsuoH 

  • Protagonists that Break Down Walls 

  • Details, Details, Details; Filling your World with Life

  •  February Community Reading

Click for more info or to register for classes, workshops and other offerings

The Houston Writers Guild is a volunteer-run, nonprofit organization working to create a community of writers of all skill levels. Together we strive to improve our writing craft and help each other build successful careers through education, collaborative marketing efforts, and camaraderie.
The Guild offers a myriad of programs for both published and unpublished writers. It creates opportunities to build careers through networking, as well as, opportunities for author book sales throughout the Greater Houston area and neighboring communities. The Guild is also a place for hobbyist authors to enjoy writing in a relaxed and fun environment.

Critique Group
Writer's Room - several offerings
Click for more information
Inprint envisions Houston, Texas as a city where the literary arts are a defining resource. Thousands of Houstonians, recognizing the value and impact of the written word, join in Inprint programs to write, read, and support the literary arts. The community is enriched by some of the nation’s top emerging writers, who study at the University of Houston Creative Writing Program and teach at Inprint and various local community centers, schools, and universities.
February Offerings
February Offerings
Click for more info or to register for classes & workshops
The WRITER'S LEAGUE of TEXAS (WLT) is the largest literary arts organization in Texas, a statewide nonprofit offering programs and services to writers at all stages of their writing careers, from just getting started to publication and beyond. 
Founded in 1981, the organization’s mission is to provide a forum for information, support, and sharing among writers; to help writers improve their craft and understand the business of publishing; to promote the interests of writers from diverse cultural, economic, sexual identity and orientation, ethnic, and religious backgrounds; and to elevate the art and enterprise of writing, including supporting and growing the Texas literary community at large.
February Offerings
Click for more info or to register for classes & workshops
The International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG) is dedicated to building a worldwide community where storytelling connects, inspires, and uplifts voices across cultures. We celebrate the richness of diverse traditions, histories, and perspectives, recognizing that every writer contributes to the shared human experience.
All IWWG workshops are listed in ET (Eastern Time).
TWO SYLVIAS PRESS is an independent press located in the Seattle area. We publish poetry, memoir, essays, books on the craft of writing, and creativity tools, such as The Poet Tarot, The Daily Poet, Everything is Writable, PR for Poets, Demystifying the Manuscript, and the bestselling resource for poets, The Weekly Muse.
Additional Resources for Writers
The 8 Best Online Writing Communities for Women from UMA Technology
* Collaboration Catalogs Available! *
We have another excellent collaboration on the books!
Each member who participated in the ENTANGLED Collaboration received a copy of the catalog containing all the artwork and literary pieces. Melody still has a limited supply of copies in her studio that you can purchase for $15.

In addition, you can also purchase additional copies of the REFLECTION catalog from the 2022 Collaboration for $5.
Stop by Studio 320 at Silver Street Studios to purchase additional copies of either catalog. Silver Street Studios is located in the Main Yard of Sawyer Yards. Call ahead at 713-851-0134 to ensure that she’ll be in the studio when you arrive.

Remember to check the WiVLA Calendar for exciting events, such as field trips, studio visits, workshops, and other fun activities.
WiVLA Calendar

Other Revelant Calendars:







Save the Dates
Save the Date(s)
March 18th: Member Meeting. Check the WiVLA Calendar for details and updates.
April 5th: Reception for Melody Locke's exhibit, DREAMSCAPE: The Garden of Your Mind at the Jung Center from April 5 - May 15.
April 26th: "Afternoon Art Salon" at the Jung Center for a small reception and a chance to meet the artist, our Melody Locke!
WILVA "Rise" Exhibit: July 18th - August 31st, 2025, at Sabine. 
WiVLA Needs Your Expertise
Do you have special skills, talents or knowledge to share with other WiVLA members? Now is a good time to volunteer ~
  • Serve on a committee
  • Speak at a monthly meeting
  • Lead a workshop.
  • Be creative
Don't be shy. We have a lot to learn from each other.
Click here to connect with a board member
We'd love to celebrate your good news. If you are interested in sharing, please send your items to newsletter@wivla.org. The deadline for inclusion in the next month's newsletter is the 20th. Thank you.
Submit News Items Here
Thank you to our Sponsors~

Ruby R Scott (WIVLA Member)
Arts a Daisy Gallery

Rosario Solis (WIVLA Member)
Fine Arts and Crafts

Billie Duncan (WIVLA Member)

Grackle & Grackle


The following companies offer discounts to WiVLA.
Show your appreciation by extending your patronage.

Art Supply on Almeda Road
5301 Almeda Road
Houston, TX 77004


Frame Destination


Copyright © 2025 Women in the Visual and Literary Arts, All rights reserved.
You are a current or former WiVLA member.

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Women in the Visual and Literary Arts
712 Wilcrest Dr # 2107
Houston, TX 77042-1348

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