President's Message It's finally fall, but it still feels like summer, and here come the holidays!
Only a few months remain in WiVLA’s 25th anniversary year so, of course, we will make the most of them. Your next chance to celebrate is Tuesday, October 15 at the WiVLA Pop-Up Market + Fundraiser, held on our regular 3rd Tuesday meeting night but in a different location- The Printing Museum on West Clay near Waugh.
We are returning to our former WiVLA home base for this first-of-its-kind event combining a member marketplace where you can shop our talented members’ work with a raffle-style fundraiser where you can purchase tickets for chances to win the fabulous donated prizes.
All money raised goes to our 2020 programming, ECO Fund grants, and workshops.
Visit our Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/939266513099438/, click ‘going’ and watch as we highlight our sponsors, donated prizes, and WiVLA market sellers. With one click you can help WiVLA by sharing the FB event with all of your friends. Spread the word, this is a public event, not just for members, and we encourage family, friends, and guests to attend.
November’s celebration will be our annual literary readings at Archway Gallery, this time combined with our members’ holiday party on one special night -- Thursday, November 21. We’ve bumped our regular November meeting date by two days to offer back-to-back WiVLA talent and camaraderie.
The literary theme this year is ‘Silver’ for our 25-year Silver Anniversary so writers, if you haven’t already, start now and watch for the sign-up form to enter your name to read your work at the event.
It’s a great time to be a WiVLA member and to proudly share our anniversary joy, so tell everyone you see, “See you on October 15th!”
WiVLA Pop-Up Market & Fundraiser!
What better way to celebrate WiVLA's 25th Anniversary than in the Marketplace with our creations! Come one and all - to be a seller, a buyer, a raffle-ticket hoper, or a person toasting the good things that WiVLA has brought to Houston women for 25 years! There is still time to be a purveyor of your creative output, join as a helper/assistant, or solicit raffle prizes. There will be light bites and drinks for all. If you're not selling, then come to cele-brate with everyone. Bring your friends, your neighbors, your family! We are going to have a marvelous time! To sign up to buy, solicit items, or help, contact Lee Steiner at info@wivla.org
This event takes the place of our October meeting, and will be held at the Printing Museum, 1324 W. Clay, 77019.
Join Team WiVLA!
Buy a WiVLA T-shirt! Hurry - Sale ends October 4!
WiVLA T-shirts are available for sale. What a fun way to show you are WiVLA proud! Not only do you get a soft, flattering T-shirt out of this deal, but WiVLA gets a portion of the proceeds as well. The funds collected from this fundraiser will go into our general coffers, for 2020 programming, ECO Fund, and workshops.
Here's the link: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/celebrating-25-years-of-wivla
November Literary Reading & Holiday Gathering
Theme: Silver
WiVLA Writers: A special opportunity to read your work at Archway Gallery. Our Holiday Gathering will follow.
Each November, the Archway Gallery Third Thursday Reading is dedicated expressly to WiVLA writers who would like to share their fiction, flash fiction, non-fiction, plays, or poetry. On November 21, the evening starts at 6:00 p.m. at Archway Gallery. Each reader is given five (5) minutes to share her work. Registration to be a reader will become activated soon. We have room for 10 readers. Everyone, please come and hear these wonderful and inspiring readings from your WiVLA friends! The Holiday Gathering will begin after the readings.
The Annual Holiday Gathering will follow - complete with fun projects, prizes, and tasty treats. The camaraderie is infectious! Plan to stay and enjoy the gift of time to be together with WiVLA friends!
WiVLA Collaboration: "Compassion"
Houston Holocaust Museum, June, 2020
What does "compassion" really mean? Is it possible to change someone's level of compassion? Can someone who views others in negative ways come to a new understanding and compassionate point of view toward them? Will there always be othering of people? Is that who we are as humans?
Using the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides, the Holocaust Museum teaches the dangers of hatred, prejudice and apathy. Visits to the Museum often produce life-changing shifts in thoughts, attitudes, and actions. WiVLA is fortunate to be able to announce that the next WiVLA Collaboration Show will be held at the Houston Holocaust Museum. Partnerships are being formed to work together to produce visual art and written words that enlarge the theme of "Compassion." There are still spots available for this collaboration. See below for partnerships already formed, and a Meet and Mingle occasion to find a potential partner. To sign up for this show (both partners must sign up on the same form), use this link: https://fs8.formsite.com/wivla/1qazfqtr2z/index.html
Writing and Drawing: A WiVLA and Writespace Collaboration
Writespace and Women in the Visual and Literary Arts are teaming up to offer a unique cross-genre workshop on October 19. Led by a writer and a visual artist, this will be an all-day journey of generative prompts designed to spark all manner of creativity. Writers, discover the joy of painting and learn how visual expression can help you find the right words. Artists, experience the satisfaction of writing down the bones and see how words can help you perfect your paintings, drawings, and sculpture. Spots are limited....sign up today!
Collaboration Potential Partner Meet and Mingle:
There are still spots available for the Collaboration. Want to meet other members who are interested in participating in the Compassion Collaboration? Spend an afternoon immersed in creativity, beauty, and inspiration! Cori Austin is hosting a gathering for you to meet prospective collaborators. We'll have fun meeting each other, sharing our creative work, and doing a fun art project.
Bring a sample of your creative work to show or read to each other with the goal of helping people connect with a potential collaboration partner. This is all to support you, the WiVLA member, in finding a creative partner for our upcoming Compassion Collaboration. Look elsewhere in this newsletter for a list of the partnerships formed thus far.
The event will be held Sunday, October 13, 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Cori lives on the west side of Houston near Kirkwood and I-10. Reserve your spot by using the email address or phone number listed below. Please bring a snack to share; the hostess will provide beverages. If you have any questions, contact her at artjournal50@gmail.com, 281-731-2711.
Going Steady:
Partners for Windows Collaboration
This is the list through September 30 for the Compassion Collaboration:
Susan Salter with Celeste Budwit-Hunter
Janet Ruffin with Cori Austin
Gretchen McDaniels with Marie Casamayor
Sharon Bippus with Regina Vitolo Mader
Melody Locke with Ann Boutte
Josena Arquieta with Ellen Seaton
Pat Morgan and Maggie Baldwin
Debbie Blumberg with Lane Devereux
Rona Lesser with Jane Mulholland
Sally Worthington with Maria Brown
Margo Toombs with Donna Perkins
Judith Shamp with Kay McStay
Sandi Stromberg with Marie-Pierre Neist
Jo Zider with Jere Pfister
Email newsletter@wivla.org to add you and your partner to the list. You still have plenty of time to find that creative collaborator (see prospectus below).
SoulCollage(R) - Enneagram Workshop:
Member Deborah Lindeen, LPC-AT/S, Board Certified Art Therapist, and SoulCollage(R) Facilitator, will present a workshop combining SoulCollage and the Enneagram at the Jung Center, November 9, 10 am - 4 pm. Entitled "Accelerating Your Awesomeness - Self Exploration with the Enneagram and SoulCollage(R)," this workshop combines the powerful personality system of the Enneagram with the richly creative art-making process of SoulCollage(R), and will help participants tap into their deepest motivations to explore the Self. (There are several short online assessments to help determine one's Enneagram type.) $110 for Jung Center members or $120 for nonmembers. Deborah will donate $10 to WiVLA for each WiVLA member who attends. Register at this link: https://junghouston.org/program-offerings/?program_type=Psychology_and_Life
Please send in your news - art exhibits, works published by the 20th of each month to be included in the following month's newsletter. Please share your good news with your fellow WiVLA members by sending to newsletter@wivla.org.
Calls for Entry: Visual Art
Inclusion in this list does not indicate endorsement by WiVLA. We recommend you research each contest, and contact the sponsor(s).
~ CAFE' for Artists! www.CallForEntry.org is a website that lists calls for entries nation-wide. Descriptions of type of art and theme are listed, as is a link for more information. Deadlines are included.
Calls for Entry: Literary Art
Inclusion in this list does not indicate endorsement by WiVLA. We recommend you research each contest, and contact the sponsor(s).
~ A Yahoo group has an ongoing and frequently updated list of creative writing opportunities. Writers can join and the notifications come directly to your email.https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/CRWROPPS-B/info
Houston Art and Literary Announcements:
- Artist Talk with Jeffrey Forster, Chris Silkwood and Damon Thomas
When: 05 Oct 2019 10:00 AM, CDT
Where: TRUE NORTH Exhibit, Heights & 10th St
Jeff Forster and Damon Thomas will be discussing both of their large-scale sculptures, each included in TRUE NORTH 2019, the sixth iteration of the annual public sculpture exhibit along Heights Boulevard. Both Damon’s “Home Fire” and Jeff’s “North Space Ruin” in the 1800 block of the Heights are the first ceramic sculptures included in this annual outdoor exhibit since it began in 2014. All eight of the sculptures in TRUE NORTH 2019 will be on display through Dec. 15, 2019.. Chris Silkwood, co-curator of the True North exhibition, will begin the discussion with an introduction about the Heights Boulevard Sculpture Project
- Houston writer Bryan Washington will be the guest speaker at the 2019 Gulf Coast Gala. The ticketed event will take place Thursday, Oct. 17 at the Sunset Coffee Building in Houston. https://gulfcoastmag.org/
- Public Poetry Reading, Saturday, October 5, 2:00, at the Freed-Montrose Library https://mailchi.mp/28ebf236455d/october-featured-poets-more-2442593?e=51f98e31c6
- Clay Houston presents Clay Bodies, 5th Annual Ceramics Symposium, featuring Thaddeus Erdahl and Lorna Meaden. https://clayhouston.org/
- Please forward WiVLA Voices to all your friends who might be interested in WiVLA. BRING A FRIEND TO OUR NEXT MEETING!