August Member/Guest Meeting
Ann Leis
Books, Dewees Cochran, and Her Dolls
WiVLA members and guests were mezmerized by Ann Leis' presentaton on the history of dollmaking, some of the more notable collectors, and her book about Dewees Cochran. We also enjoyed seeing some of her vast collection of dolls. If you were not able to attend the meeting, be sure to check out the YouTube video. And stayed tuned for details about a fieldtrip to view and enjoy Ann's doll collection.
Ann Leis' Video
Fern Brady is the founder and CEO of Inklings Publishing and holds several Masters degrees. She began her professional life as a foreign correspondent, and taught ELAR to 6th graders for 15 years in Alief ISD.
She has published numerous short stories, two children's picture books, and a couple of poems. Her debut novel, United Vidden, which is book one in her Thyrein’s Galactic Wall Series, was given a glowing review by Dr. Who Online, the official site of the fandom. It recently won the Independent Author’s Award by Literary Global in Science Fiction and has won other awards as well. Love’s Call, which is book one of The Dragon and His Kitten series, released in 2023. She also has a graphic novel collaboration, Mr. Landen’s Library, with the amazingly talented illustrator Rosa Maria Garza.
She has returned to the leadership of the Houston Writers Guild, with whom she served as CEO for four years previously, and is a full-time teacher for Cy-Fair ISD.
Who will WiVLA highlight next?
Each month, a WiVLA member is highlighted in the Newsletter. This is a fun way for us to get to know each other. Contact Margo, if you would like your time in the spotlight.
The 30th Anniversary is symbolized by the pearl. As part of our celebration this year, let's share thoughts about our creative journey with WiVLA. In 150 words or less tell us about how membership in WiVLA has enhanced your creative and/or personal life. You can use some of these questions to help you get started. Or you can create a poem or short prose to express your feelings about WiVLA. Send your Pearls of WiVLA and a photo of you in your pearls (if you have them) to Margo (Please put "WiVLA" in the subject line). Or you can fill out some of the questions on line.
Possible questions
* How long have you been a member of WiVLA?
* What inspired you to become a member of WiVLA?
* In what ways has being a member of WiVLA impacted your life?
* What is your favorite memory or experience as a WiVLA member?
* How has WiVLA supported your creative journey?
* What do you think sets WiVLA apart from other arts or literary organizations?
* Which WiVLA events were the most meaningful to you, and why?
* How has being a member of WiVLA connected you with other creatives?
* Have you attended any WiVLA workshops? If so, which ones were especially beneficial to you, and how?
WiVLA Pearl for September
Rebecca Chirak
I first heard about WIVLA when I asked a coworker what he'd done the previous weekend and he told me he went to a haunted holiday-themed open mic. When he explained who'd hosted it, I immediately thought 'that sounds relevant to my interests,' googled it, and joined.
I'm a part of other writing-centered groups, and I do enjoy them, but I love that WIVLA includes visual arts as well - not to mention the unapologetic explicit mention of promoting our work in the marketplace in our mission, something I find writers tend to shy away from (and needless to say we should not)!
Another WiVLA Pearl for September
Brooke Summers-Perry
I found out about WIVLA from my dear friend Anita Long. She and I have collaborated since 2008. Among other visions and missions, we served on the board of Compassionate Houston. She and I share mission and purpose around creativity, youth empowerment, and of course, compassion. After recording a segment on a WIVLA collaboration and reading for Compassionate Houston, she sent me a message to see if I was familiar with WIVLA. She knew the mission would light me up. I was too busy to join a group at that time. Like many of us, it took another connection to get my attention. While teaching art at Field Elementary, I was approached by Patricia Flaherty Pagan, a student’s mom. As part of WIVLA, she was working on an exhibit for the entryway at the school. She nudged me with a, “It would be great to include the art teacher’s work in the show.” I was thrilled for the students and families to have the beautiful show just inside the front door. I joined WIVLA and jumped right in. The more I have gotten involved with WIVLA, the more I realize how much I need it. I am fed by the connections, the renewed commitment it gives me to my work, and the inspiration I get from knowing and loving incredible women and their work!
Sandi Stromberg has four new publications!
1) The poem ~ "Driving Toward Beautiful Things" is in The Orchards Poetry Journal
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2) Sandi’s poem, "Helicopter Seeds and the Horizon," was selected as one of several responses to an abstract painting, Farfalla, by Emilio Pettoruti. While "farfalla" means "butterfly" in Italian, Sandi saw helicopter seeds. The artwork took her back to Montreal two summers ago when she and her grandson were walking in a park in Montreal. He was six with an inquiring mind.
You have to scroll down a bit to get to her poem, but on the way, enjoy the variety of poetic and prose reflections! Ekphrastic Review
* * *
3) The WordFest - Waco Cultural Arts committee, has selected Sandi’s poem, "Singapore Morning" for their 2024 anthology: themed SUN. She loves their annual anthologies. Poems can be no longer than 24 lines, including title, so every word counts!
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4) Sandi’s poem is "The Jade Waters of Taal's Crater Lake," about a place in the Philippines that she visited with her son and daughter-in-law. In the acceptance, the editors wrote: "Nice and softly written, seductive, a fine close."
"Driving Toward Beautiful Things"
"Helicopter Seeds & the Horizon"
inspired by "Farfalla" ~ Emilio Pettoruti (artist)
"Singapore Morning"
"The Jade Waters of Taal's Crater Lake"
Sharon Worley Has a New Book
Margo Stutts Toombs Has Three New Publications
1) Margo S. Toombs’ poem, “Pink is My Second Favorite Color” is in The Ekphrastic Review - written in response to the “Tickled Pink” challenge. Margo’s poem was inspired by "Portrait of Marthe de Florian," by Giovanni Boldini (Italy). Scroll down to find Margo’s poem and enjoy all of the pinkness along the way.
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2) Her flash nonfiction piece, "No Shade," is also in The Ekphrastic Review. Margo wrote it during one of Lorette's excellent workshops. It was inspired by the painting ~ "High Noon," by Edward Hopper (USA) 1949. Scroll down for her piece.
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3) And, Margo’s prose poem, “The Fighting Deer,” will be in the Texas Poetry Bards 2024 Anthology
“Pink is My Second Favorite Color” inspired by
"Portrait of Marthe de Florian," ~ Giovanni Boldini
"No Shade" inspired by "High Noon," ~ Edward Hopper
"The Fighting Deer"
News and Words of Encouragement
from Denise Bossarte
"My photograph 'Leaf Dreams' has been accepted for The Women’s Caucus for Art- Texas's upcoming ARBOREA exhibition at The Cloister Gallery September 18th to October 25th!
This piece was also part of the WIVLA 2023 EXPANSION exhibition at the POST Houston.
Also, my sci-fi short story "The Dance of Stars" has been accepted by the Mensa Bulletin magazine, publication date forthcoming.
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And a note of encouragement to the literary folks in the group.
I submitted 'The Dance of Stars' for the joint anthology with the Houston Writers Guild. My piece 'My Girl Sarah' made it in last year's anthology and I wanted to try for another story this year. Unfortunately, the story I wanted to submit just wasn't coming together and life kept getting in the way for me to finish it. So I decided to submit 'The Dance of Stars' without any edits. Although the judges loved the premise, they didn't like the first few pages of the story and it did not make the cut.
I was disappointed, but decided to carry on and submit the work to another venue. The editors of Mensa Bulletin loved the story AS IS and it will published in a future edition.
Goes to show that it just takes some persistence and finding the right 'audience' for your work!"
"Leaf Dreams"
Also Exhibiting at the Cloisters Art Gallery ~
Two Photographs by Jamie Frontiera
...and Melody Locke is in the WCA
Exhibition: ABOREA, too
Her lumen print, “Baby Pecan” was selected for the WCA exhibition ~ ABOREA. She made “Baby Pecan” from a seedling that sprouted in her front yard—most likely planted by a squirrel. Remember, everyone who attends our 30th anniversary celebration will be able to see this show!
Cassandra Bohne-L is in a Group Exhibit
at ELC Fine Art & ...
Cassandra's piece will showcase her collection of lanterns and clocks made with real preserved butterflies as well as some of her oil and acrylic nature-based paintings.
Exhibition Name - A Flight for Tomorrow
ELC Fine Art
Esperson Building
808 Rusk Street
Houston, TX 77002
6th Floor
Dates - September 7 - October 5
Focus - Butterflies and their impact, relationship to climate and planet.
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And Cassandra's piece, Emerald Love Affair, is on display at IAH airport for one year as part of the Sawyer Yards Art Showcase.
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And be sure to pick up a copy of the fall edition of the Art Houston Magazine in a couple of weeks and enjoy an article about Cassandra's art.
A Flight for Tomorrow
Emerald Love Affair
The Paradox Exhibit
at Silver Street Studios
The artists of Silver Street are proud to announce the opening of Paradox, the first juried exhibition at Silver Street Studios that draws work from all of the studio buildings on the Sawyer Yards campus. The exhibition was juried by Alton Dulaney, an artist, personality, and Director of the Houston Airports Public Art Program.
Many artists express their personal worldview through their creative work, blending subjective perspectives with symbolism. Paradox delves into the exploration of what exists between these realms, celebrating the harmonization of opposing forces. The exhibit will be up until Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 2000 Edwards Street
Several WiVLA visual artists are in the show:
Cassandra Bohne-L
Brooke Summers-Perry
Melody Locke
Marie E. Casamayor-Harvey
Cassandra Bohne-L
Brooke Summers-Perry
Melody Locke
Marie Casamayor-Harvey
Yellow Arrow Publishing is looking for
female writers and teachers.
Time to Revise - A Workshop on Editing Your Work with Kelly Ann Ellis
Sign in to the WiVLA Website to get the member discount.
Do you find revising your own writing a daunting task? Join WiVLA on ZOOM, Sunday, October 27 2:00-5:00 CDT with Kelly Ann Ellis, founder and editor of "Equinox", to add some editing techniques to your tool kit. This is an interactive workshop where participants can work on a piece of their own writing (poetry or short prose) that they would like to revise. Or, they can practice on pieces that Kelly will bring.
Some of us attended Kelly’s workshop, “Poems that Travel” during our recent tour of the Jung Center, so we know this one will be great as well!
Brooke Summers-Perry is teaching
at the Jung Center
At the July Member Meeting, WiVLA members and guests expressed an interest in a workshops by Brooke on blackout poetry. Well, here it is. Brooke is teaching Blackout Poetry as a Spiritual Practice this month!
The Jung Center
5200 Montrose Blvd
Saturday, September 14
And Brooke is conducting a WiVLA workshop
at Grackle & Grackle
Digital Blackout Poetry Collage: a WIVLA Workshop
Sunday, October 13
Grackle & Grackle
819 Highland St
In this three-hour workshop, participants will explore ways to find themselves on the page and use Procreate and photo editing apps to collage and create videos to enhance the meaning and mood of the messages they discover. Be sure to login to receive the member discount.
Tool/Supplies to bring to the workshop:
- iPad Pro with Apple Pencil
- Procreate App
- PicsArt or other photo editing apps
- Photos of book pages
- Photos of subjects that are meaningful to you
Upon registration, you will receive more detailed information about the tools/supplies.
Workshops at The Ekphrastic Review
in September
Grackle and Grackle hosts creative writing classes taught by talented writers who love to teach. They also consult with organizations and businesses seeking a literary touch on big projects, or who want them to create workshops for team retreats or other events. They work with all ages of writers.
Founded by writers Miah Arnold and Raj Mankad in 2014, their goal is to bolster the power of storytelling in Houston and abroad to connect writers to each other. By offering graduated discounts on classes, they ensure that anybody who wants to take a class at Grackle and Grackle can do so.
They host weekend workshops for retreats geared toward specific kinds of writing, therapy, or outcomes; and weekly workshops in institutional or hospital settings. As consultants, they deliver strategic plans, texts, publications, illustrations, and videos. They collaborate with graphic design, landscape, urban planning, and architecture firms.
WiVLA Needs Your Expertise
Do you have special skills, talents or knowledge to share with other WiVLA members? Now is a good time to volunteer ~
- Serve on a committee
- Speak at a monthly meeting
- Lead a workshop.
- Be creative
Don't be shy. We have a lot to learn from each other.
How About Joining the WiVLA Board Next Year?
Some of the Board positions will be available next year. Think about joining the ladies who make WiVLA thrive. Here are descriptions of Board positions from our bylaws -
The Membership Chair shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice President; shall maintain an up-to-date list of members at all times; and shall verify the eligibility of members for the nominating committee.
The Program Chair shall preside in the absence of the preceding officers; shall be responsible for arranging presentations at general meetings; and shall present programs and content to the Board for approval in advance of the event or program.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds belonging to the organization and shall deposit the same in an accredited bank approved by the Board; shall keep a record of all funds received and disbursed; shall make reports to the Board; shall make disbursements authorized in an approved budget or approved by the Board; shall serve as signatory on the bank accounts of the organization; and shall, at the first meeting after December 31, submit to the Board a complete set of the organization's financial records.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording and submission of Board meeting minutes.
The Newsletter Chair shall be responsible for gathering all information, preparing the newsletter, and distributing it on a timely basis.
The Publicity Chair shall be responsible for forwarding all pertinent information to newspapers, magazines, and electronic media in a timely manner.
The Visual Arts Chair(s) shall organize and oversee all visual events and activities.
The Literary Arts Chair(s) shall organize and oversee all literary events and activities.
The Historian shall be responsible for collecting and archiving documentation of WiVLA events and meetings.
The At-Large Chair(s) shall fulfill those duties assigned by the President and the Board.
We'd love to celebrate your good news. If you are interested in sharing, please send your items to The deadline for inclusion in the next month's newsletter is the 20th. Thank you.