September Member Meeting:
Wild, Wonderful Art in Our Own Backyard
WiVLA was pleased to present Bridgette Mongeon during our September member meeting. Bridgette had been our scheduled speaker in May and July, but the weather interfered and required postponing her appearance. In the end, we felt that the presentation by her and her daughter was more than worth the wait!
Be sure to watch the video to be inspired. And as an added bonus, learn about branding. If the YouTube link does not open, try this link - If this link doesn't work, copy the web address and open in a new browser.
Click here to view Bridgette's presentation
Caroline Marcos was born in Alexandria, Egypt, as a Copt (Christian Egyptian) with mixed Greek and Lebanese descent. Caroline has a B.A. in Studio Art and Psychology from the University of California at Santa Cruz and a M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy/Art Therapy Psychology from Norte Dame de Namur University. At UC Santa Cruz, Caroline studied under Frank Galuszka, Tim Craighead, and Don Fritz, who worked in painting and mixed media using mica, acrylic gel transfers, and beeswax.
She is currently a Houston-based mixed media artist, working in water media; acrylic, collage, and at times encaustic. She has exhibited nationally in juried shows at the Art Car Museum in Houston, The Jung Center, Houston, Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA, The Greater Denton Arts Council Art House Gallery, Atlanta, GA. as well local art festivals and actively takes commissions. Caroline has collectors in The Woodlands TX, Houston and Los Angeles. Before starting a family she enjoyed counseling at Houston's First Baptist in the Juliana Poor Memorial counseling center as an LPC-Intern.
Presently, Caroline is a, joyous mom of two, and active exhibiting artist who makes "soul-scapes"-surreal landscapes that express her mind, heart, and spirit as well as her response to nature. She occasionally gives back to the community by teaching art therapy workshops at the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts in Spring Texas, and the Jung Center Houston.
Who will WiVLA highlight next?
Each month, a WiVLA member is highlighted in the Newsletter. This is a fun way for us to get to know each other. Contact Margo, if you would like your time in the spotlight.
The 30th Anniversary is symbolized by the pearl. As part of our celebration this year, let's share thoughts about our creative journey with WiVLA. In 150 words or less tell us about how membership in WiVLA has enhanced your creative and/or personal life. You can use some of these questions to help you get started. Or you can create a poem or short prose to express your feelings about WiVLA. Send your Pearls of WiVLA and a photo of you in your pearls (if you have them) to Margo (Please put "WiVLA" in the subject line). Or you can fill out some of the questions on line.
Possible questions
* How long have you been a member of WiVLA?
* What inspired you to become a member of WiVLA?
* In what ways has being a member of WiVLA impacted your life?
* What is your favorite memory or experience as a WiVLA member?
* How has WiVLA supported your creative journey?
* What do you think sets WiVLA apart from other arts or literary organizations?
* Which WiVLA events were the most meaningful to you, and why?
* How has being a member of WiVLA connected you with other creatives?
* Have you attended any WiVLA workshops? If so, which ones were especially beneficial to you, and how?
WiVLA Pearl for October
Susan Salter
WiVLA is my happy place. Being a member of WiVLA has opened up many opportunities to show my work. I've made sales of my work at various exhibitions. I love that WiVLA is all about women, for women, and run by women. I have served on the Board as membership secretary and am now Vice President. WiVLA has given me a safe and encouraging place to "put myself out there", by hosting exhibitions, and collaborations. I feel that the excellence of my fellow artists, be they visual or literary, pushes me to strive for that same excellence in my own work. Collaboration not only happens during our bi-annual exhibit, but through working together, achieving our plans and goals for the present and into the future. I'm excited for what may be in the future of WiVLA and honored to be a part of making things happen.
Mildred has been nominated for Self-Love Advocate of the Year at the #ImpactAwards2024 by the I'm Loving Me Project. This award celebrates an advocate for mental well-being and self-love, inspiring others to embrace their true selves with confidence. Cast your vote, today. Voting ends October 2.
Meet Your New Board Member:
MJ Figard, Historian
Kay McStay and MJ Figard at the WiVLA
Entangled Collaboration.
MJ Figard started as an English major in college and ended her work career as a medical librarian and archivist at the Texas Medical Center Library. She did boring and challenging jobs during her work and volunteer life. She was a stay-at-home mom for about ten years, which were also boring and challenging - sometimes in the same minute. Being creative is an aspiration she’s had her whole life. She started sewing clothes using patterns and entered the quilt world using patterns. Having learned the techniques, she has become creative by just doing. Color is her favorite art element.
Equinox, Volume 7: Gaze into Space
Launches at Kojak's
...and WiVLA members, past and present, were there to speak up. The writers from upper left: Sandi Stromberg, Margo Stutts Toombs, Varsha Saraiya-Shah, Sally Ridgeway, Nancy Montgomery, Kelly Ellis (our workshop presenter on revision), Jennifer Ettelson, and Gwendolyn Womack.
~ And then we read on Zoom ~
Sandi Stromberg Rocks the Radio
Sandi Stromberg did a marvelous job of discussing poetry (especially ekphrastic poetry) and reading a couple of her creations on KPFT radio.
If you missed it, check out the recording:
1. Go to,
2. Click on “Archives” in the menu across the top,
3. Scroll down to Living Art Wednesday September 25, and you can either "play now" or "download".
Update on the Smither Park Wall Mosiac
Jean King, Sally Worthington, Ann Mabry, and Sharon Plummer are creating a fantastic mosiac sculpture for WiVLA's section of the Smither Park Wall at the Orange Show. This work of art (& labor of love) is something WiVLA can be proud of)! Stay tuned for updates and plans for the unveiling party.
Check out Melody Locke's Work in the Small Show
The Small Show at Lee College in Baytown is an invitational art exhibition where all artwork is no greater than 3" x 5" in size. To house this exhibition, Elena Lopez Poirot, the organizer of this show and art instructor at Lee College, built a detailed replica of the PAC gallery. The show will be up until October 11.
Lee College PAC Art Gallery
801 West Texas Avenue, Baytown
T-Th 9 AM - 5 PM, Fri 9 AM - 12 PM
Time to Revise - A Workshop on Editing Your Work with Kelly Ann Ellis
Sign in to the WiVLA Website to get the member discount.
Do you find revising your own writing a daunting task? Join WiVLA on ZOOM, Sunday, October 27 2:00-5:00 CDT with Kelly Ann Ellis, founder and editor of "Equinox", to add some editing techniques to your tool kit. This is an interactive workshop where participants can work on a piece of their own writing (poetry or short prose) that they would like to revise. Or, they can practice on pieces that Kelly will bring.
Some of us attended Kelly’s workshop, “Poems that Travel” during our recent tour of the Jung Center, so we know this one will be great as well!
And Brooke is conducting a WiVLA workshop
at Grackle & Grackle
Join Brooke for the next
blackout poetry workshop
Sunday, October 13 from 1:00-4:00 PM at Grackle & Grackle in the Woodland Heights.
$40 non-members, $30 for WiVLA members
Register to reserve your spot, space is limited. Be sure to log into your member account to get the member discount.
This one is a WiVLA workshop. Women in the Visual and Literary Arts invite you to learn the process, hands-on and digital ways to embellish the page, and an opportunity to connect with yourself and an incredible group of women.
Let the page read you.
In this three-hour workshop, participants will explore ways to find themselves on the page. Instruction and suggestions on how to back up the words with imagery will be done with hands-on materials as well as digital media.
If you will be using paper and art supplies, you will be provided with book pages and some basic tools and supplies. If you want to use your favorite medium, bring it with you. Nothing too messy, we are borrowing a beautiful space.
If you will be using an iPad*, please have the following ready so that you will not be spending too much time downloading software or images during the workshop:
- iPad Pro with Apple Pencil
- Procreate App
- PicsArt or other photo editing apps
- Photos of book pages
- Photos of subjects that are meaningful to you
If you want to use a laptop* with Canva or photoshop, preload your images of book pages, your art work or photos for collage
*BYO hotspot, WIFI may be necessary for the apps you may use on your iPad or laptop.
Follow the Letting the Page Read Me Substack for weekly posts on Mondays. These include a blackout poem, journal prompts, Brooke's personal reflections on the featured poem, and instructions on making your own blackout poetry and journal prompts.
Letting the Page Read Me – Blog
Grackle and Grackle hosts creative writing classes taught by talented writers who love to teach. They also consult with organizations and businesses seeking a literary touch on big projects, or who want them to create workshops for team retreats or other events. They work with all ages of writers.
Founded by writers Miah Arnold and Raj Mankad in 2014, their goal is to bolster the power of storytelling in Houston and abroad to connect writers to each other. By offering graduated discounts on classes, they ensure that anybody who wants to take a class at Grackle and Grackle can do so.
They host weekend workshops for retreats geared toward specific kinds of writing, therapy, or outcomes; and weekly workshops in institutional or hospital settings. As consultants, they deliver strategic plans, texts, publications, illustrations, and videos. They collaborate with graphic design, landscape, urban planning, and architecture firms.
WiVLA Needs Your Expertise
Do you have special skills, talents or knowledge to share with other WiVLA members? Now is a good time to volunteer ~
- Serve on a committee
- Speak at a monthly meeting
- Lead a workshop.
- Be creative
Don't be shy. We have a lot to learn from each other.
How About Joining the WiVLA Board Next Year?
Some of the Board positions will be available next year. Think about joining the ladies who make WiVLA thrive. Here are descriptions of Board positions from our bylaws -
The Membership Chair shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice President; shall maintain an up-to-date list of members at all times; and shall verify the eligibility of members for the nominating committee.
The Program Chair shall preside in the absence of the preceding officers; shall be responsible for arranging presentations at general meetings; and shall present programs and content to the Board for approval in advance of the event or program.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds belonging to the organization and shall deposit the same in WiVLA's checking and savings accounts.The Treasurer shall keep a record of all funds received and disbursed; shall make reports to the Board; shall make disbursements authorized in an approved budget or approved by the Board; shall serve as signatory on the bank accounts of the organization; and shall, at the first meeting after December 31, submit to the Board a complete set of the organization's financial records.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording and submission of Board meeting minutes.
The Newsletter Chair shall be responsible for gathering all information, preparing the newsletter, and distributing it on a timely basis.
The Publicity Chair shall be responsible for forwarding all pertinent information to newspapers, magazines, and electronic media in a timely manner.
The Visual Arts Chair(s) shall organize and oversee all visual events and activities.
The Literary Arts Chair(s) shall organize and oversee all literary events and activities.
The Historian shall be responsible for collecting and archiving documentation of WiVLA events and meetings.
The At-Large Chair(s) shall fulfill those duties assigned by the President and the Board.
We'd love to celebrate your good news. If you are interested in sharing, please send your items to The deadline for inclusion in the next month's newsletter is the 20th. Thank you.